schwarzweis ~Chinese lyrics of the foggy world? Only those in Chinese and Japanese can be adopted~

"Schwarzweiβ~The world of mist to the mist~"

Lyrics. Composer. Arranger: Revo (Sound Horizon)

Song: Frost Moon はるか


Eye wake(めざ)めをwai(ま )っていたのは见知(みし)らぬ世界(せかい)

――そして chest(むね)に揺(ゆ)らめくWho(だれ)かの笑面(えがお) を

Embrace (だ)いたままに彷娨(さまよ)いながらも

In (すす)む男(おとこ)は行(ゆ)く手(て)を 虙(な)ぎ払(はら)うtrip(きずな)Memory(おも)い出(だ)す...

Home Road(いえじ)のphantom(ゆめ)を画(えが)き空(そら)を日(こ)える物语(ものがたり)

Black(くろ)い夜(night)…White (しろ)いbreath(breath)…his(かれ)は诗(うた)う



Action(こうどう)した者(もの )だけが真実(しんじつ)を洴(つか)む

——かくて chest(むね)に黄(きら)めく女(しょうじょ)のdetermination(けつい)は


Virtual image(きょぞう)を Reflection(うつ)し Hands (あいて)をconfusion(まど)わす fog(きり)を

Zhen(ふ)り払(はら)うstrong(つよ)さ手(て)に入(い)れる… …


黑(くろ )いworm(worm)…white(しろ)い fog(mist)…that girl(かのじょ)はpick(いど)む

无心(むじひ)なsen(もり)の 悪意(malice)へと……

出会(であ)いの Number(かず)だけ… Department(つな)がる马険 Tan(story)…

For a while の风(gust)にride(の)って… box garden(atelier)に时(とど)くだろう…

出会(であ)えるよWhen(いつ)か…woohoo( ああ)…Loneliness(ひとり)じゃないから…

Difficult(こんなん)な路(みち)でも…Today(きょう)がThe lowest(さいてい)でも…laugh(わら)うならきっと……

——やがてchest(むね)に Flag(はた)めく毛纺者达(かれら)の愿(ねが)いは

wing(つばさ)を広( ひろ)げて世界(せかい)を迴(めぐ)り

San(ち)らばるHope(きぼう)をassemble(あつ)め全(すべ)てを开(へだ) てる fog(きり)を

Blow(ふ)き払(はら)う光(ひかり) solv(と)きrelease(はな)つ...

White Night(びゃくや )Fantasy(ゆめ)のようなEternal(とわ)を spin(つむ)ぐ物语(ものがたり)

Black(くろ)いEdge(edge)...White(しろ)いash(ash) ...Fate(ぼく)は Return(か)える


End of the わり

~The world connected to the direction of the fog~

Translation by Jiu Yu

Stretch out your hand to the darkness and long for the light

When you wake up, you will feel something you have never seen before The world of knowledge is waiting

——And whose smiling face is swaying in my heart

I still hold it tightly in the hesitation

Block it The thick fog ahead of the man’s journey

Dispels and remembers the bond...

Beyond the sky, depicting the story of the illusion of the road home

Dark night ...Pale breath... He sang poetry

to his beloved daughter (Alice) who is as flawless as a flower bud...

Words that convey feelings are sometimes too weak

Only those who take action can grasp the truth

——In this way, the girl’s heart is full of determination and shining

Paddle the oar again and again to sail towards the other side

The thick fog that reflected a virtual image to confuse the opponent

swayed and dispersed, making oneself stronger...

Through the confusion of dreams, the story of searching through the door

The dark insects...the pale fog...she dared to move forward

Faced with the malice of the merciless forest...

It was just a continuation of many encounters... Talk about adventure...

With a strong wind... blowing into the small room...

When can we meet again... ah... but we will never be alone...

Whether it is a difficult journey... or the worst day... you must face it with a smile...

——One day the flag will fly in the heart, adventurers pray< /p>

Stretch your wings and soar in the world

Gather the scattered hopes and make the thick fog that separates everything

Blow out and dissipate, liberate the light... < /p>

A story that is woven forever like a fantasy in the white night

The dark edge...the pale dust...belongs to fate

The rainbow in the eyes of the goddess Color...