(a) classical Chinese reading (19)
Read the following classical Chinese and complete questions 4 ~ 7.
Gong Suizi, Yang Shannan Pingyang also. Take Mingjing as an official, go to Changyi as a doctor and serve Wang He. There are many improper behaviors, so he is loyal and resolute. The internal remonstrance is king, the external blame is Fu Xiang, and the quotation is based on justice. Chen is unfortunate. As for crying, it's ruined. After stabbing the king, the king walked away covering his ears and said, "The doctor's advice is very good." This country is afraid. The king has been playing with slaves for a long time, just to kill and reward them with death. Then I went to see the king, kneeling and sobbing, and all the servants and servants cried. The king said, "Why is the doctor crying?" Then he said, "My country is in danger! I am willing to give leisure and stupidity. " The king of Qi embraced him left and right, and then said, "Does your majesty know come to a bad end, king of Jiao Xi?" The king said, "I don't know." He said: "I heard that King Jiaoxi once courted officials, and what Wang did was intended to be unruly and good at being Yao and Shun. Wang said that his flattery, taste and sleeping place are only what he said. Today's king is close to the minority and gradually gets used to evil. We must not take our chances of survival lightly. I invite you to choose Lang Tongjing to live with the king. Sit down and recite poems, and stand up and be polite. " Wang. Emperor Zhao collapsed, his son died, and King Changyi was recruited by all officials. On the 27th day of the king's accession to the throne, the king died of debauchery, thus abolishing the minister of Changyi, and taking advantage of the evil deeds of the king to punish the dead. Only more than 200 people successfully fought Captain Wang Yang, reducing their death to the city.
Xuan Di acceded to the throne, and for a long time, there was famine in the counties around Bohai Sea for years, and thieves rose up. 2000 stone cannot be used for poultry production. I thought Bohai was a satrap. When he was in his seventies, he was summoned. He is short in appearance. When Xuan Di saw it and heard it, his heart was light. He said: "I am very worried about the abandonment of the Bohai Sea. Why did you stop your thief and call me? " He said to him, "The sea is far away, and it has not been sanctified. Its people are trapped in hunger and cold, and officials are not sympathetic. So your majesty, the naked boy stole your soldiers from the middle ear of the imperial pool. If you want to make the minister win the evil today, will you be safe? " When I heard this, I was right. I even said, "I want to be safe." Then he said: "I heard that the person who manages chaos is still the rope to manage chaos. Don't worry; Only slow it down and then cure it. I hope that the Prime Minister will teach history and use grammar freely, so that everything can be done cheaply. " Make a wish, add a gold, and send a biography. On the border of Bohai Sea, the county heard that the new magistrate had arrived and sent troops to meet him, so they all sent him back and moved to the county to catch thieves and collectors one by one. Those who hold the field hook are all good citizens, and officials have nothing to ask for. These soldiers are thieves. So I rode to the mansion alone, and the county was alone, and the thieves were gone. Therefore, it is to open a granary to be poor, choose a good official, and Wei' an eats grass.
Therefore, we should look at vulgarity and luxury, be good at the last skill, and do nothing. He is bowing to the economy and persuading people to farm and plant mulberry. There are livestock in the county, and both the government and the people are rich. The prison proceedings stopped.
A few years ago, I was not appointed as a public official in my later years, and was worshipped as a captain of Shuiheng. Very heavy, with official life.
(Excerpted from Biography of Sui Dynasty in Han Palace, with some abridged)
4. The incorrect explanation of the words added in the following sentences is (3 points) ()
A. internal remonstrance is king, and external responsibility is fu: debate.
B. As for sobbing, it is the same as "slapping" and loyalty.
C. Gradually get into bad habits: pollution
D. I went to the government by car alone, and the county seat was alone: stable.
5. The correct sentence is (3 points) ()
A. On the 27th day of Wang's accession to the throne/Wang's death was greatly ruined/Changyi officials were tricked by Wang's evil deeds/all were punished/more than 200 people died/Wei Sui and Wang Yang were reduced to death after several remonstrances/became the capital.
B. On the 27th day of Wang's accession to the throne/Wang died of fornication/Changyi's ministers were trapped/Wang was punished for all his evil deeds/more than 200 people were killed/Wei Sui and Wang Yang/fought several times to surrender to death/became a city.
C. On the 27th day of Wang's accession to the throne/Wang died of fornication/Changyi officials were trapped by Wang Yu's evil deeds/more than 200 people lost their conscience/Wei Sui and Captain Wang Yang/died after several remonstrances/became a city.
D. Wang ascended the throne on the 27th/Wang died of fornication/Changyi princes were trapped/Wang was punished for all his evil deeds/more than 200 people died/Wei Sui and Wang Yang fought several times to reduce the death penalty/he became a city.
6. The following summary and analysis of the relevant contents of the original text are incorrect (3 points) ()
A. Gong Sui is loyal and resolute, and has moral integrity. Because I am familiar with Confucianism, I became an official. The official is the doctor of Changyi Wang. He dared to speak frankly, so that the king of Changyi and his countrymen were afraid of him.
B. Gong Sui has a certain political foresight and a well-known reputation. Emperor Xuandi of Emperor Gaozu admired Gong Sui as soon as he saw him. Although he is short in stature, he has a quick mind and answers the emperor's words like flowing water. The emperor was very happy. He was rewarded with gold and promoted to rank and knight.
C. Gong Sui has always been loyal to Liu He, the king of Changyi. Only 27 days after Liu ascended the throne, he was deposed for promiscuity, and all the former ministers of Changyi were executed. Only Gong Sui and Wang Yang protested many times, were exempted from the death penalty, and their hair was shaved to serve the corvee.
D. Gong Sui's political management ability is outstanding. When he was the governor of Bohai, he got rid of the officials who chased thieves, appeased the people, changed the local extravagance and made the people live and work in peace and contentment.
7. Translate underlined sentences into modern Chinese. (10)
(1) stabbed the king in the face, and the king walked away, covering his ears, saying, "A doctor makes a good man feel ashamed."
(2) Wang Bi or so, so he said, "Does your majesty know that King Jiao is dead and helpless?"
(2) Reading ancient poems (1 1)
Read the following two Tang poems and complete questions 8 ~ 9.
Qiu Guisi Zhang
There is no cloud in autumn night, and the sound is intermittent. I want to send an information request. I moved the army outside Juyan.
Wang Fu's Sword Dance of Ci History
Hand Ruo (1) cold lamp with shadow frequency, palindrome (2) dark dust. I haven't heard from my husband, but I hate selling fortune tellers on the bridge.
【 Note 】 ① Ruo: Ruo burns and ignites. (2) palindrome: In Fu Jian in the pre-Qin period, Tao Dou, the secretariat of Qin Zhou, moved to quicksand, and his wife Su Huishan was a writer, weaving her thoughts about her husband into palindrome, which was tactfully read and had a sad meaning.
8. Both poems are about "news". What's the difference between Zhang's "asking for information" and Shi's "no news"? What thoughts and feelings are expressed in both poems? (5 points)
9. In the second poem, why did Sifu "hate" selling fortune tellers? What's the use of writing like this? (6 points)
(3) Dictation of famous articles and sentences (6 points)
10. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences. (6 points)
(1) In the Peach Blossom Garden, the sentence describing the beauty of the flowers in the Peach Blossom Forest is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
(2) The sentence similar to "People don't swim in a small pool, but there is Wolong in the shallow place" in "Humble Room Inscription" is _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
(3) The sentence describing the mountain scenery in spring and summer in Zuiweng Pavilion is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.