Standard format of English references

The following is the standard format of English references I collected for you for your reference! More information is in the resources section!

Citation formats and references

1. The citation in the paper adopts the method of inserting the author, year and page number, such as "DOE (200 1, P. 10) reported that?" Or quote "This" in the paper by inserting the author and year, such as "Doe (200 1, p. 10) report says?" Or "this problem has been studied before (Smith, 1958, pages 20-25)". The quotations inserted in the article should correspond to the references at the end of the article.

Example: Frankly speaking, it's just a simulation made by the government, or a fake competition. Say it directly. (Gao, 2003, p. 220).

2. In the references at the end of the article, surnames are separated by commas after their first names; If there are two authors, connect them with and; If there are three or more authors, the first author is separated by a comma and the last author is connected by an and.

3. The items in the reference are listed as follows. Point? Separate, and finally? Point? End.

4. Please refer to the following format at the end of the article:

A) If the document is a book, the title should be italicized. If it is an article in a document or book, please refer to Example (2).

Example: (1) trunk, w, Jr.,&; White, E. B. (1979). Elements of style. (third edition. New york: Macmillan Publishing House (Chapter 4).

(2) Metam, G.R., & Adams Law Firm (1994). How to prepare the electronic version of your article? Between B.S. Jones and ... Smith (editor. ), an introduction to the electronic age. New york: Electronic Publishing Company, page 28 1-304.

b)。 If the document is an article in a journal or newspaper, the title of the article is quoted, and it is not necessary to quote the titles of the journal and newspaper.

Examples of periodicals: Vandergeer, J., Hanrad, J.A.J,&; Lupton R. A. (2000). The art of writing scientific articles. Journal of Science Communication,163,51-59

Examples of newspapers: Smith, Joe. (2005).3G Economy, Whose Economy: 3G Century Report. 2 1 Century Business Herald. 20/2005 1 month

c)。 If the document is a web page, please try to include the author, year, title, website address and retrieval time.

Example: Smith, Joe. (1999). One of Volvo's core values. [Online] Available:/environment/index.htm (July 7 1999).

Frequently asked questions and errors

1. Chinese characters and Chinese characters are not allowed in English papers. If it appears, there will be garbled codes in the English typesetting system.

2. Some punctuation marks look similar in Chinese and English, but they are different in the system. Please be careful not to enter such punctuation marks: comma, quotation mark, colon, period, bar, pause, bracket.

3. To prevent Chinese characters from appearing, please use? Words? Function query,? Chinese characters and Korean words? One should? 0? If it is not 0, it means that there are Chinese characters in English translation, please check and modify them.

4. For the translation of the work unit, first look up the English name on the website of the unit. Of course, if the unit has its own commonly used translation methods, it can also follow the commonly used translation methods. It must be recognized by the translation research office published by the unit.

Explanation: APA format, the abbreviation of American Psychological Association, is a format requirement that social science students must abide by when writing academic papers.

Examples of English references

1. Journal

Format [serial number] author. Title [J] Name of publication, year of publication, volume number and page number (issue number).

for instance

CHOW Yung, Robert, Ren Zhiguo, Yang Shanglei, Li Xingxing. Thinking and Practice of Graduation Design Management under the New Situation [J]. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Teaching, 2003(6): 107- 109.

[2] Xia Lvhui. Investigation report on graduation project (thesis) teaching in colleges and universities [J]. Science Higher Education, 2004( 1):46-52.

[3] Heider, E.R. & ampD.C.Oliver. Color space structure in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign language teaching and research, 1999, (3): 62 67.

2. Monographs

Format [serial number] author. Title [M]. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page number.

for instance

[4] Liu Guojun, Wang Liancheng. Research on library history [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press,1979:15-18,31.

[5] Jill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.

3. newspapers

Format [serial number] Author, article title [n], newspaper name, publication date (edition).

for instance

[6] Li Dalun. The importance of economic globalization. Guangming Daily, 1998- 12-27(3).

[7] Frenchman W. Between Silence: Voice from China [N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8- 15(33).

Step 4 try

Format [serial number] author. Title [C]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: starting page number.

for instance

[8] Five Blessingg. Selected western literary theories [C]. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House,1979:12-17.

[9] spivak: "Can the common people speak?" Answer. In C. Nelson & Grosberg (editor. ). Victory on the Edge of Hell: Imitation. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.27 1-3 13.

[10] Almarza, g.g. Knowledge growth of foreign language teachers of students [A]. In d. freeman and j. c. richards (editor. ). Teacher learning in language teaching [C]. New york: Cambridge University Press. 1996. Page 50-78.

5. Thesis

Format [serial number] author. Title [D] Place of publication: depositor, year of publication: starting page number.

for instance

Zhang Zhusheng. Invariant set of differential semi-dynamic system [D]. Beijing: Institute of Mathematics, Peking University Department of Mathematics, 1983: 1-7.

6. Research report

Format [serial number] author. Title [R]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: starting page number.

for instance

Feng Xiqiao. LBB Analysis of Pressure Piping and Pressure Vessel of Nuclear Reactor [R]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology Design and Research, 1997:9- 10.

7. patents

Format [serial number] Patent owner. Title [P]. Country: patent number, release date.

for instance

[13] Jiang Xizhou. Preparation scheme of a warm external medicine [P]. China patents: 88 1056073, 1989 07 26.

8. Standards

Format [serial number] standard number, standard name.

for instance

[14] GB/t16159-1996, basic rules of Chinese pinyin orthography [S].

9. Procedures

Format [serial number] Publisher, regulation name and release date

for instance

Science and Technology Commission of the People's Republic of China. Measures for the administration of sci-tech periodicals [z]. 099 1-06-05

10. Electronic document

Format [serial number] is mainly responsible for. Title of electronic document, source [electronic document and carrier type identification] or available address of electronic document, publication or update date/reference date.

for instance

Wang Mingliang. On the progress of standardized database system engineering of academic journals in China [EB/OL] .55438+09980816/19981004.

Wanjin Abstract of Journal of China University (1983 1993). English version [DB/CD] Beijing: China Encyclopedia Publishing House, 1996.

1 1. Various undefined documents.

Format [serial number] Principal responsible person. Document title [Z]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.

Special note: all punctuation marks appearing in the "reference" item have lost their original meaning, and all punctuation marks must be half-angle. If your input method has half-angle/full-solution conversion, you can switch to half-angle state. If your input method does not have this conversion function, just turn off the Chinese input method and input in English input state.

In fact, many input methods (such as the popular Sohu input method) provide four combinations:

(1) Chinese punctuation+full angle: the punctuation entered at this time is like this: 1- (I didn't find any key input/symbols at this time), which means that these symbols must not appear in the "reference";

(2) Chinese punctuation+half-angle: the punctuation entered at this time is like this: 1- (I haven't found any keys to input/symbols at this time), which means that these symbols can't appear in the "reference";

There are no spaces between the symbols listed above. Can you see the difference between them? I think it's just-the width is a little different, and everything else is the same.

(3) English punctuation+full angle: the punctuation entered at this time is like this. : [ 1]-/

(4) English punctuation+half angle: The punctuation entered at this time is like this. : [ 1]-/

Therefore, when writing "references", many people always feel that it is unclear to use English punctuation+half angle, and the spacing is too small. Actually, don't worry about this at all If you think it is too small to look good, use English punctuation+full angle, generally there is a space after [1].

For English references, we should also pay attention to the following two points:

① The author's name adopts the principle of "surname comes first, surname comes last", and the specific format is: surname, initials. For example, Malcolm Richard Cowley should be Cowley, M.R. If there are two authors, the way of the first author remains the same. &; After that, the first letter of the second author's first name is put in front, and the last name is put behind. For example, Frank Norris and Owen Gordon should be: Norris, F.&; Mr Gordon

(2) Titles of books and newspapers are in italics, such as Mastering English Literature and English Weekly.