What is iambic pentameter?

The foot is the smallest rhythmic unit, which consists of different combinations of light syllables and heavy syllables, and appears in a poem according to certain rules.

English writing is a stressed syllable language, so it can be divided into two parts: lightly read syllables and stressed syllables, which is the formation of English.

The decisive factor of the unique cadence rhythm. This is one of the differences between English and English in pronunciation.

French is a syllable language, there is no difference between syllables. The smallest unit of French rhythm is syllable, not foot.

According to statistics, the steps of this group of light and heavy sounds in English poetry; The remaining steps can be considered as derived from these five.

These five steps are: iambic, iambic, iambic, iambic and iambic, iambic and iambic.

The so-called iambic pentameter has the following characteristics:

1. Each line of poetry has ten syllables.

2. Divide every ten syllables into five steps.

Each step has two syllables, and the stress falls on the second syllable.

Give an example to explain iambic: (The following is taken from "Introduction to English-Phonetics" by Da Mao's father (Volume II)

He got in touch with Tom in time and saved the situation.

It can be seen that there are always sixteen syllables in this sentence, of which odd numbers are unstressed syllables and even numbers are unstressed syllables. This is a basic concept in English phonology-iambic, here is iambic, that is, every two syllables are weak first and then strong. The only confusion here is why the -tion in this case is two syllables. In fact, -tion was pronounced as two syllables a long time ago, but it was changed into one syllable with the development of modern English. If you use contact instead of touch in the above sentence, then this disyllabic word will be inserted horizontally in an unstressed syllable, and the rhythm of the whole sentence will be disrupted immediately, and the original rhythm will be gone. This is also one of the reasons why some writers are called phonological harmony when writing. Of course, just like Chinese writing, some people will intentionally or unintentionally break the rules and pursue novel effects when writing articles, which is beyond the scope of this article. In addition, there is more than one phonetic rhythm in English, including rising and falling, falling and falling, rising and falling, and upgrading, and its principle is not difficult to analogy. If the above sentence is read in modern English, change it to the following two lines:

He got in touch with Tom in time.

The situation has reversed another wave.

Sonnet is a foreign genre of metrical poetry, and its basic requirement is, of course, the first sonnet. Its meter has different requirements according to different languages and grammars in different countries. Sonnets translated from French are basically translated according to the syllables of each line Each line has 8, 10 and 12 syllables. Most of the translations from English and German are translated according to the five-step iambic pentameter rule of the original text. Generally translated into Chinese, most of them are translated into five Chinese phrases per line, rather than the five-step iambic pentameter of the original text. As for rhyme feet, there are many variations, such as: rhyme foot (122 1 for one or four sentences and two or three sentences), cross-rhyme (12 12 for one or three sentences and two or four sentences)