Served in the army at the age of fifteen. "Collected Poems of Yuefu"
Served in the army at the age of fifteen and returned home at the age of eighty. When meeting a fellow villager, he asked, "Who is at home?" "Looking from afar, it's your home. There are many pine and cypress graves." Rabbits enter from the dog's sinuses, and pheasants fly from the beams. In the courtyard, the valley is born, and in the well, the sunflower is born. The grain is pounded to make rice, and the sunflower is picked to make soup. The rice is cooked all of a sudden, but who knows? I went out and looked eastward, and my clothes were stained with tears.
He was drafted into the army at the age of fifteen, and was discharged and returned to his hometown at the age of eighty. On the way, he met a neighbor and asked, "Who else is in my family?" "Looking from a distance, it's your home, a mass of tombs among the pines and cypresses." Up close, he saw rabbits coming in and out of dog holes, and pheasants flying on the ridge of the roof. Go and fly. Wild millet grows in the yard, and wild sunflowers surround the well platform. Gather some wild grains and pound rice for cooking, and pick sunflower leaves to make soup. The soup and rice were ready in a while, and it was very sad to eat alone. Walking out of the door and looking towards the east;
Old tears fell on Zheng Yi.
"Yan Yan" in "The Book of Songs" is a masterpiece of grief and separation in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
The swallow is flying, but its feathers are missing. The son returned home and was sent far away into the wild. I can't even look forward to it, and I cry like rain.
The swallows are flying, and they are flying. When his son returns, he will be far away from him. Looking beyond reach, I stood there and cried.
The swallow is flying, and its sound is rising from below. His son returned home and was sent far to the south. Looking beyond my reach, it really works my heart.
Zhong’s heart is blocked if he is left alone. He is gentle and helpful at the end, and he is careful about his body. The thought of the first emperor is to exploit the few people.
The above answers are for your reference! Hope this helps!