There is a Wang Sheng in the city. He ranks seventh, so he is a family. I respect pottery less. As soon as I heard that there are many immortals in Laoshan, I went swimming. Climb on the roof and look at the universe. It's very quiet. A Taoist priest was sitting on a futon, with his hair hanging down and his neck hanging down. He was calm and full of energy. Knock and talk, the reason is very mysterious. Please learn from me. The Taoist priest said, "I'm charming and lazy, and I'm afraid I can't stand suffering." Answer: "Yes." There are many people in it, and it will be finished at dusk. The king and the marshal stayed in sight. Early in the morning, the Taoist priest called the king and gave him an axe to collect firewood with everyone. Wang Jin was taught. After more than a month, my hands and feet are heavy and unbearable.
I came home one night and saw the two of them interacting with the teacher. It was dusk, and there were no lights and candles. Teachers are like mirrors, stuck to the wall. In a blink of an eye, the moon is bright and shining. All the people ran away. A guest said, "A good night wins happiness, and you can't be different." So, he took out the wine from the box, distributed it to his disciples and told them to get drunk. Wang Zisi: Seven or eight people, why did you give a pot of wine all over? Then find an angel jar and fight to drink it first, so as not to run out; The reciprocating notes are actually much less. My heart is very strange.
A Russian guest said, "Thanks to the bright moon, I am silent. Why not call Chang 'e? "Therefore, it was thrown into the moon with chopsticks. I saw a beautiful woman coming out of the light. At the beginning, it was unprofitable; Get to the ground and wait for someone. Slender waist and beautiful neck make a "dress dance". I once sang: "The immortal never dies, but still, and I am lonely in the cold!" " "Its voice is clear and clear, as powerful as a flute. After singing, he circled several times and climbed several times. He was surprised to find that he had recovered. Three people laughed. Another guest said, "I am the happiest tonight, but I can't drink well." Can I go to the Moon Palace? "Three people move the seat, gradually into the month. Seeing three people, sitting in the moon and drinking, seeing each other is like being in a mirror.
As time goes by, the moon gets darker and darker; The master came with a candle, and the Taoist priest sat alone and was a guest. A few dishes still exist. Last month, the paper was as round as a mirror. The Taoist priest asked the crowd, "Have you had enough?" Say, "That's enough." "It is advisable to go to bed early, don't worry." The public promised to retreat. The king longed for it secretly, and he returned to his thoughts.
Another month passed, and the pain was unbearable, and the Taoist priest did not pass on a skill. He couldn't wait to say, "disciples who cultivate immortality in a hundred miles can comfort themselves and ask for advice even if they can't become immortals or have a little knowledge;" I saw it in February and March today, but I left early and went home at dusk. Disciple is at home and has not suffered this. The Taoist priest smiled and said, "I said I can't suffer, but today is true." Send you tomorrow morning. " Wang Yue said, "I have been operating for many days and taught you some skills. This is not a bad thing. " The Taoist asked, "What do you want?" The king said, "every time I see the teacher walking, the wall can't be separated, but this method is enough." "
The Taoist agreed with a smile. However, he passed on a tactic, ordered himself to complete the spell and shouted, "Enter!" " The king dared not enter the city wall. He said, "Try it." Ken Wang walked in quietly, and the wall blocked him. The Taoist priest said, "Don't go anywhere!" Ken Wang walked to the wall, took a few steps and rushed in; And the wall is empty; Looking back, the fruit is outside the wall. Very happy, thank you. The Taoist priest said, "You should keep it clean, or you won't pass the exam." So I helped the axe return.
When you get home, boast that you have met a fairy, and a solid wall can't stop you. Wife doesn't believe it. Like him, Wang Xiaoqi walked a few feet to the wall, ran in, hit his head on the hard wall and suddenly tripped. The wife helped to watch, and her forehead rose from the grave, like a huge egg. The wife made fun of it. The king was ashamed and angry, and called the old Taoist immoral.
Yi Shi said, "When I heard this, everyone laughed. Those who don't know the world like Wang Sheng are recovering. Today, my father likes carbuncle and is afraid of medical stone, so those who lick carbuncle and suck hemorrhoids enter Xuanwei violence to achieve their goal, saying,' This technique has been used in the past, and it can run rampant.' The initial test is not small, so the world is big, it can be done, it will not hit a wall, and it will not stop. "
ground stabilization
1. The author of "Laoshan Taoist" is a writer of (dynasty). Word, another word, another name. This article is selected from.
2. Pay attention to the bold words.
Wang Ju and Jishou () are divided into philosophers () and vegetables ().
Wandering around () bragging about meeting a fairy () and suddenly wandering ()
3. Explain the bold words
(1) Knock and talk () (2) Get together in the evening () (3) Distinguish with others () (4) Disciple () (5) Don't understand this pain () (6) Stumble suddenly () (7) Then the Taoist sits alone and is a guest.
4. Translate the following sentences.
(1) In the early morning, the Taoist called the king and gave him an axe to pick firewood with the others.
(2) There is a Wang Sheng in the city. He is in Row 7, so he is a family.
Theme understanding
The plot of this article is tortuous. When he was "beyond endurance" and "ambitious", something happened that made him give up his ambition.
There are two clues in this article, please write it down in concise language.
Open circuit:
Dark line:
7. The title of this article is "Laoshan Taoist". Is the protagonist portrayed a Taoist priest? What does this novel tell us through Wang Sheng's experience?
General Liang Gong, the prefect of Yangzhou, retired and returned to his hometown. Every day, he took chess and wine and traveled around the mountains. On the 9th, I will climb the mountain and play chess with my guests. Suddenly a man came and wandered around the station, so I couldn't play anymore. Looking at it, it looks cold and frugal with quail knots, but it is Wen Ya, with a literati style. The public sacrifice ceremony is sitting. Not the same? Qian Gong pointed to chess and said, Sir, you must be good at this. Why don't you compare with the guests? Men refused to move, so they began to play. The end of the game is negative and the expression is hot. If you don't control yourself. There are both negative and positive aspects. Drinking wine, not drinking, but dragging guests to play. As for the sundial in the morning, don't indulge.
Fang argued with a son, and they fought each other. Suddenly, the scholar left the table and stood there in a daze, looking very painful. When I was a child, I knelt on the public seat and begged for help. When people feel fear and doubt, they raise their hands and say, "What's wrong with playing with their ears?" ? The scholar said: Ask for instructions not to strangle a young student. Men vary and ask: who is it? Yue: Ma Cheng. First of all, people who are successful in public office, willful people, go into the nether world for ten days and take photos for hook service. If the public speaks differently from a scholar, then people will regard it as success and then lie still for two days. The public should not be rude. If a man suddenly dies on the ground, he will sigh and realize his ghost.
As the days passed, Ma Yue went away, and everyone summoned him. Cheng Yue: Scholar Hu Xiangren, addicted to chess, lost everything. Father was very worried, so he locked it in lent. Don't climb over the wall, don't steal space, and don't fight with players. When my father heard criticism, he couldn't stop it. My father died of anger and hatred. Yan Luowang was born with bad books, promoted to a long life, and was sent to a hungry ghost prison. This year, it has been seven years. When Yuefeng Building in Huidong was completed, the government sent people down and the writer wrote an inscription. When the king was released from prison, he was called to atone. Inadvertently, the middle of the road was delayed and the deadline was too long. Emperor Yue made Cao Zhi blame the king, who was furious and made the villain search him. I was ordered by my master, so I dare not tie it. Q: What's the situation today? Said: if you still pay the jailer, you will never be born. Gong sighed and said, addiction leads to misunderstanding, so it's a husband!
Different stone said that he forgot his own death when he saw the game, forgot his own death, and forgot that his life was not what he wanted. He is more addicted to this than the living, so he hasn't got a high position, which makes the ghost die in Jiuquan forever.
(Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio)
1. Incorrect explanations of words added in the following sentences (3 points).
I will climb the mountain on the 9th and meet the guests.
B. Look at the heat, if you can't help yourself: stop.
C. Father died of anger and hatred: pregnant
D. therefore, I dare not tie it up: tie it up.
2. Among the following sentences, the one with different meanings and usages of the added words is (3 points).
A. public ceremony is a mistake of addiction, so it is a husband.
B. The public sighed for a long time before they realized that his ghost had promoted his life and was sent to the hungry ghost prison.
C. because I don't drink, I dare not tie it with wine.
D. It's been seven years since this morning.
3. The following six sentences are divided into four groups, and the group that can mislead addicts is (3 points).
(1) On the same day, I took chess and wine, and traveled to the forest mountain. As for the sundial starting in the morning, don't drown.
(3) My father died of anger and hatred. (4) He gave birth and was sent to a hungry ghost prison.
Inadvertently, the middle road was delayed, and the deadline was 6. This is an act of death, and ghosts will live forever.
4. The following analysis and summary of the relevant contents of the original text are incorrect (3 points).
A. the scholar is addicted to chess and his property is exhausted. His father was too angry to repent. Finally, the prince cut it short and sent it to the hungry ghost prison.
Although the scholar likes playing chess, he is not good at it. When playing chess with the guests of Yangzhou Governor and General Liang Gong, I was defeated and fought repeatedly, and finally I had to kneel for mercy.
C. Liang Gong treated the scholars with courtesy. At first, he thought he was just a poor scholar who loved playing chess. It was not until he died on the spot that Liang Gong gradually realized that he was a ghost.
D. When the scholar was in the underworld, he had the opportunity of atonement, but he was addicted to chess, missed the deadline for inscription for the Phoenix Tower of Mount Tai in Dongyue, and finally ended up in a world that could never be reborn.
5. Translation and sentence breaking (10 score)
(1) Use /line to break the sentences with wavy lines in the text. (4 points)
Different stone said that he forgot his own death when he saw the game, forgot his own death, and forgot that his life was not what he wanted. He is more addicted to this than the living, so he hasn't got a high position, which makes the ghost die in Jiuquan forever.
(2) Translate the underlined sentences in the classical Chinese above. (6 points)
(1) Yan Luowang was born with bad books, so as to promote his longevity and send him to a hungry ghost prison. (3 points)
(2) Unexpected delay on the way, the deadline. (3 points)