Psalm 6: Ask God for mercy in times of trouble

1. O Lord! Please do not rebuke me in your anger, nor punish me in your wrath.

2. O Lord! Have mercy on me, for I am weak. O LORD! Please heal me, for my bones are shaking.

3. My heart is also greatly frightened. O LORD! How long will it take for you to save me?

4. O Lord! Turn to me and save me because of your love.

5. Because no one will remember you in death, and who will praise you in hell?

6. I am sleepy because of my groaning. I shed tears every night, floating the bed and soaking the mattress.

7. My eyes are withered because of sorrow, and my eyes are dim because of all my enemies.

8. Depart from me, all you who work iniquity! for the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping.

9. The Lord has heard my plea, and the Lord will accept my prayer.

10. All my enemies will be ashamed and greatly troubled; they will retreat and be suddenly ashamed.