Zhuangzi and Keiko are swimming on the Haoliang River. Zhuangzi said: "It is a pleasure for small fish to wander around." Keiko said, "You are not a fish. How can you know that fish are happy?" ? Zhuangzi said, "You are not me. How do you know that I don't know that fish are happy?" " ? " Keiko said: "I am not a son, I really don't know my son;" Children are not fish, children don't know the happiness of fish, everything! " Zhuangzi said, "Please follow its source. Confucius said,' You know a lot about fish.' If you know what I know, ask me. I know it very well. "
Zhuangzi and Keiko play together on Haoshui Bridge. Zhuangzi said, "How leisurely the small fish swim in the river is the happiness of the fish." Keiko said, "You are not a fish. How do you know that fish is happy? " Zhuangzi said, "You are not me. How do you know I didn't know fish were happy?
Keiko said, "I'm not you, but I don't know you." You are not a fish in the first place, and you don't know the happiness of fish, which is completely certain. "Zhuangzi said," please go back to the original settings. When you say' where do you know that fish is happy', it means that you know that I know, so you ask me where I know. Now I tell you, I know it on Haoshui Bridge. "
Appreciation of Zhuangzi and Keiko's Tour of Haojiang River
Zhuangzi and Keiko swim in Haoliang, relaxed and poetic. Discuss Tao with strength and discuss Tao with technology; One is seeking truth, the other is seeking beauty; One is rigid and the other is detached; Let people smile and meditate for a long time after reading it.
Keiko is argumentative and analytical. Have a cognitive attitude towards things, focusing on the discussion of knowledge; Zhuangzi argued with wisdom and attached importance to appreciation. Have an appreciation attitude towards the outside world, impose subjective goodwill on external things, and produce empathy. If Keiko has the personality of a logician, then Zhuangzi has the style of an artist.