Give my homework back to my God, my king. Where is this poem?

From the song "Jehovah my God" (Sovereign LORD my God and King).

Lyrics: Jehovah my God, the God of Abraham. The God who made an everlasting covenant with me, the God of Emmanuel. If I forget your name, I'd rather forget my skills. How can I forget your name and engrave it in my heart forever? Jehovah my God, the God of Abraham. The God who made an everlasting covenant with me, the God of Emmanuel. If I forget your name, I'd rather forget my skills. How can I forget your name and engrave it in my heart forever? Jehovah my God, the God of Abraham. The God who made an everlasting covenant with me, the God of Emmanuel. God, you are great, and how beautiful your name is in all the earth. I will bless your holy name forever, how beautiful your name is in all the earth. God, you are great, and how beautiful your name is in all the earth. I will bless your holy name forever, how beautiful your holy name is in all the earth. How beautiful your holy name is in all the earth.

Jehovah is the name of God in the Bible (Hebrew), which means "there is always something". (exodus 3, 14).