White clouds come to Xuan Hu, while the breeze gives birth to valleys. The topic of Qiyun Pavilion in Zuoxi
Put on clothes to open the door, and the morning light is clear. Invasion of Xiao Shu is pregnant with four quatrains, and the third is
the wind in the idle hall covers the door, and the moon is broken to spy on people. Shanjia
Why should you look at the mountains and rivers according to the jade households? Autumn night and moon
have thousands of families, so why cut ten thousand poles? Wang caichen asked the six poems in the garden, Yang Mi, and Xie Shangshu, to endow him with four bamboo pavilions
Zhang Xiu households, and to gather golden plates of millet. One of the Dragon Boat Festival posts, Emperor Tai Shang Di Ge
, picks wisps of silk to entangle Zhu Hu, while fragrant flowers cut green tubes. In the first year of Chunxi's Dragon Boat Festival, the three emperors combined six
small families with three or two families, which was extremely heavy. Climbing Ganlu Mountain at night is the first of two
Taoist priests never leave home, laughing at your return. Title Taoist Wang Yun 'an
returned 3 households and gave them 1 plants. The third of the ten ways to pick plums
I would like to be a moon-repairing household and live in the cold side of Guangzhou. On the pond, five songs about the moon, the second
just sealed every household, and suddenly it was a dream. Five words and a
cotton couplet seal the door, incomplete book with insects. The second place in the autumn night garden
there are cold households in the wild porch, who dares to knock on it. Ye Xuan accidentally wrote a book
The autumn wind moves the window and smells the book and spreads the fragrance. Title Zhou Renfu's two ancient incense halls
Rivers are clear and households are clear, and mountains are surrounded by courtyards. Dongxi
the red flowers are embroidered, and the green grass is set against the setting sun. One of Wang Sun's two poems < P > There are few pedestrians on the wall, which will hinder secluded households in the coming year. Cousin Qiu Ziye's suburban garden chants his three bamboos
Poor man, the wind blows away the secluded households. Miscellaneous notes on nine trees and grass, five of which are Liuhua
Green hills surround Penglu, while white clouds block secluded households. Yungu 26 chants about its fifteen thatched cottages
Rare birds drink pots and pools, and will flap their windows. Occasionally, I become a
embroiderer with a lark, and I am really a man. In the Dragon Boat Festival, the sixth post word is "Tai Shang Huang Hou Ge"
Green Ai is the first to hang down, and Qing Yi has recommended it. In the Dragon Boat Festival, the third lady's pavilion
Castle Peak is full of households, although it is good, don't stay. The second of the three wonders of the Buddha Pavilion
sent a message to shoot the students, and the mountains were empty for years. Chanting about reindeer
There are many caves in the steep mountains, and the shepherds know the immortals. The third part of Aishan Hall
Weeds and peaches are still at home, and peppers and cypresses have been called tapirs. Spring post words: one of the five songs of Huangtaifei Pavilion