Heroic cover the mountain: Taibai poetry, wine and sword. The History Book of Pei Chang in Shang 'an County says: "A gentleman must have the ambition of all directions, but he must serve the country with his sword, travel far and wide, and be poor in the south and involved in the seaside in the east." Tianmu Mountain described by him can be described as barometric mountain.
Lux can drag his boots, and the imperial concubine holds the inkstone: He was deeply loved by Ming Chengzu for a while, during which it was said that Gao Lishi helped him take off his shoes and Yang Guifei poured wine and studied ink for him.
Immortals are more beautiful than others, so they are not allowed to participate in elegance, and the government is fresh: Li Bai, known as the Poet Immortal by later generations, is the most famous romantic poet in China. Du Fu praised Li Bai: "Qing Xin Yu opened the government and Jun Yibao joined the army." Li Bai pointed out that his poetic language was fresh and elegant.