The rebellious world will face the wrath of the throne. Following the scene of danger, the four angels stopped the strong wind all over the earth and calmed our eyes. An angel appeared from the sunrise with the mark of the living god. He shouted to the four angels who were authorized to hurt the earth and the sea, "Don't hurt the earth, the sea and the trees until we seal the forehead of our God's servant." (Revelation 7:2-3) God separated his children from great tribulation. God chose us according to our names. He counts his people himself, so that all his children will belong to him, and no one will be missing. Children who belong to God are completely holy and innocent, because the tribes of Dan and Ephraim, the antichrist, are not included.
God wants to give his children abundant grace. This grace is that the children of God can rely on the life of the Lord to overcome all adversity. This grace is that in great trouble, God gives peace, and he personally protects his children from hunger and thirst, and neither the sun nor the heat can hurt them, because the lamb in the throne will feed them and lead them to the fountain of life water, and God will wipe away all their tears. (Rev.7: 16) Thank the Lord for his grace!
Psalm 7
God is a god who examines people's hearts and thoughts. We can come to the throne of God's grace without fear and frankly state all our thoughts and ideas to God. Thank god!
Touching scripture:
He said to me, these people came out of great trouble and washed their clothes with the blood of the lamb. (Revision 7: 14)
May the evil of the wicked be cut off; May you establish the righteous, for the righteous God tries the hearts. (Ps。 7:9)