The pea seedlings have been picked again, and the wild peas are very tender. Said he went home, and he was depressed. Anxiety is burning, and hunger is unbearable. The location of the garrison cannot be fixed, and it is impossible to take the letter home.
Bean sprouts are picked again, and the stems and leaves of wild peas are getting old. He said that he went home and went home again in October. But the king's errand is not finished yet, and I have no leisure to enjoy this quiet and good time. My heart hurts and I can't go home now.
What flowers are in full bloom? It's Tang Dihua. What kind of car is it? General among generals, of course. The troop ship started, and four horses were tall and big. How dare you live safely? Because of a month of fighting!
Riding four horses, four horses are tall and strong. The generals sat in the car and the soldiers were under its protection. Four horses were trained, with bows and shark sacs decorated with Gu Xiang. How can you not be vigilant every day? Xianyun's difficulty is urgent.
Recalling the original exploration, the wind in Yang Liuyi was blowing in the wind; Now back on the road, snowflakes are flying everywhere. The road is muddy and difficult to walk, and people are thirsty and hungry. The road is muddy, hungry and thirsty. Full of sadness, full of sadness, who experienced my sadness!
Preface to Mao Shi: "Picking Wei" is also a garrison. In the era of Wang Wen, both the west and the north had difficulties. On the orders of the son of heaven, he was ordered to send a garrison to China. Therefore, the song "Picking the EU" was sent away, "rushing" was paid, and "Dundu" was the reward of hard work. "The main body of this poem should be an active soldier, a border guard who is embedded in the army to fight against foreign enemies. When this poem was sung, it was about the end of the garrison. On the way home, I sang songs and reviewed my life in the garrison. There are two themes, one is regression and the other is stubbornness. The themes of those two days are linked, so I can't go home because I'm undecided. This poem can be used as a reminder of people's memories, and it can also be used as a family letter.
The first three chapters of the poem all begin with "picking Wei". "Wei" is a kind of wild vegetable, just like "Sang" sung in "Mang Fu", which should be a familiar food in soldiers' life, so it is the beginning. However, whether it is the wild vegetables when soldiers are guarding the border or the wild vegetables on the way home, there are different opinions. * * * The same explanation uses "Wei" to determine the hardships of soldiers' lives, and also uses this as a standard to express their desire to go home.
"Wei also stopped", "Wei also stopped softly" and "Wei just stopped". Time goes by little by little. Plants are the most faithful and direct clocks. Every subtle change affects the hearts of the soldiers after returning home. Every time I dial "laurel month", they are always obsessed with it, dare not forget it, and their yearning for home is deepening.
In the first three chapters, homesickness is progressive step by step. The reasons are: the ghost, the failure of Wang, the uncertainty of my defense, and the hatred of invasion will naturally deepen. Some of them are more personal grievances-complaints and resentment. It is extremely inappropriate to classify this poem as a war-weary poem.
In this letter, I wrote about the anxiety and resentment of the soldiers, but my family was not worried about the disappearance of the soldiers. This letter from home is the only bridge between the two places. As the saying goes, "wholeheartedly away from home", getting closer and closer to home, the mood is also complicated.
In addition to expressing homesickness, letters from home will also briefly tell their families about their life in the frontier, which is mainly described in the fourth and fifth chapters of this poem. "Bieerhewei, the flower of the paddock" originated from Tang Dihua. In "Xiaoya Emperor", it is based on this point that "China, the emperor, is different from Hubei. People in this world are nothing more than brothers. " Tang Dihua refers to brotherhood. The brothers in "Picking the EU" certainly point to gay feelings. In the battle against foreign invasion, the two brothers have the pride of uniting to warm their hearts for an enemy. "Four Pastures", "Four Pastures" and "Four Pastures with Wings" depict the mighty strength of the army in the form of chariots. "Three wins in January" and "three wins" are approximate figures and have been defeated many times. This is a rare poem describing war in the Book of Songs, and it is the honor and pride of soldiers. In the letter from home, I will repay my military service, report peace to my family and make them proud of him. The pace of going home is more practical, and all the efforts will eventually yield rich results.
"Driving" is also home. "I've been there before, and I used to." Now I have finally set foot on a long way home, with heavy snow falling down the muddy road. How difficult it is to do things, you are not afraid to return to China until you start living, similar to the last chapter of Picking the EU. First of all, the scenery back and forth to write about the different moods. "Liu Yi Yi" describes the scene of early spring, "rain and snow are falling" and snow is flying all over the sky, which is a scene of deep winter. If you observe for a long time, you will know that you are sad. Now, near my village, meet people. Nineteen ancient poems, fifteen years in the army: "fifteen years in the army, eighty did not return." Everyone in the village, who is at home? From a distance, it is the royal family, with many pines and cypresses. I'm sorry and worried about my family. Therefore, it will "delay walking", and "carrying thirst and hunger" on the road is ignored, just to go home, so it is more obvious that no one knows.
Home is where your heart can be placed. All the coats have been removed, leaving only the pure heart, but I am afraid that no one can understand it and I am eager for others to understand and understand it.