What are the touching moments behind the Chang 'e V project?

There are actually many touching moments behind the Chang 'e V project, including the hard work of scientists in their posts. Moreover, the Chang 'e project is divided into many stages, first of all, lunar exploration, and then lunar exploration. Now it is in the stage of lunar sampling and lunar take-off. In fact, behind every big country project, there will be many great people's efforts. Just like the Chang 'e V project, there will be a lot of scientists' sweat behind him. Every scientist will work hard in his post. It will take many days and nights to realize the dream of flying to China, and then there will be the current lunar surface sampling process. We did all this in China, and we are proud to be from China. Next, we will explain some things about Chang 'e V from different angles.

There are actually many touching moments behind a project like Chang 'e V, that is, many scientists have overcome many difficulties after years of research. Behind this project, thousands of scientists are actually struggling day and night. Scientists have been working hard for a long time to bring back sample soil from the surface of the moon today. First, they send the aircraft into space and then move around the moon. Then they can put detectors on the moon and carry out related work. With these two points, many countries may spend ten years or even decades, but our scientists in China have not let the people down. It only took them more than ten years to complete these operations.

Behind the Chang 'e V project is actually the painstaking efforts of scientists. Behind the Chang 'e Project, we actually encountered many difficulties, but the scientists in China were not discouraged. They insist on sorting out every data, and they strictly control every screw on the Chang 'e spacecraft. We should pay tribute to such a great craftsman spirit.

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