Arabian Nights is the product of the formation and establishment of Arab national spirit after the establishment of the Arab Empire. Muhammad established Islam in the 7th century and unified the Arabian Peninsula. Since then, the Arab Empire has been expanding everywhere and spreading Islamic teachings everywhere.
Related content explanation:
I. Formation process
Mainly from Persia and India; The other part comes from the story of Abbasid Dynasty (750- 1258) centered on Baghdad. The third part comes from the story of Mamalik dynasty in Egypt (1250- 15 17).
Second, the creative background
One is the Persian story collection "Herzol Afsanai", the other is the popular story in the Abbas dynasty with Baghdad as the center in Iraq, and the third is the popular story in the Zimmalik dynasty in Egypt. This in itself shows the openness and inclusiveness of the Arab nation. However, after processing, these stories are integrated with the spirit of the Arab nation and into the Arab spiritual and cultural system.
This also reflects the expansion ambition of the Arab nation from the side. From the description of distant China again and again in Arabian Nights, we can see that many businessmen are engaged in commercial and trade activities without fear of danger, and we can also see that the Arab nation is a nation that dares to take risks. They enthusiastically praised and praised those brave, alert and adventurous people in the story.