I typed slowly, so I took a picture of you. Obviously. I counted about 96 words, which should be ok ~ ~
Tagore's poem (this is copied from others)
That? Farthest? Distance? Are you online? That? world
Is it? Isn't it? Between? Life? And then what? Death?
But? What time? Me? Standing? Are you online? Front? Yes? What about you?
Not yet? What about you? No? Do you know? That? Me? Love? What about you?
That? Farthest? Distance? Are you online? That? The world?
Is it? Isn't it? What time? Me? Standing? Are you online? Front? Yes? What about you?
Not yet? What about you? Can't? Do you see it? Mine? Love?
But? What time? No doubt? Do you know? That? Love? From where? Both?
Not yet? Can't? Is it? Together?
That? Farthest? Distance? Are you online? That? The world?
Is it? Isn't it? Existence? Separate? What time? Existence? Are you online? Love?
But? What time? Clearly? Can't? Resist That? Yearning?
Not yet? Pretend? What about you? Really? Never? Have you been there? Are you online? Mine? Heart?
That? Farthest? Distance? Are you online? That? The world?
Is it? Isn't it? But? Use? For one person? Indifference? Heart?
Where to? Dig? Ann? Unable to cross? River?
For what? That? One? Who is it? Love? you