The story of me and which animal ()! ! ! Hurry up! ! !

The story of me and the snail.

Today, I caught a small snail in the grass at school. Usually, this snail is black, but this is only yellow. There are few such small snails.

I put the little snail in my hand. When I was about to get home, the little snail gradually climbed out of its heavy shell. When he climbed onto my hand, my palm felt itchy. It looked around like a stranger, and finally turned its head to me, shaking its tentacles connected with its eyes, as if to be friendly to me.

When I got home, I asked my grandmother to cut a cucumber for the snail and put it on it. At the moment I put it on, it suddenly shrank its tentacles back. After a while, when it was sure that there was no danger around it, it slowly put its tentacles out. It's so cute. I'm going to put it on TV.

The next day, I got up and saw that the snail had climbed to the ground. I'm afraid of stepping on it, so put it back on the TV. Looks like a naughty boy, too.

After a while, I went to see it again and saw it "sleeping" next to the cucumber slices!

A few days later, I took this snail to the school competition. We set a starting point and then let go at the same time. As long as we touch its long tentacles, they

You'll turn around and don't worry about them leaving the runway. Somehow, his snail nest sulked in its shell and refused to climb out, so it didn't match.

Later, I found that my snail was also sulking in the shell. I don't think it wants to live in a human home, so it wants to live. I didn't want it to starve to death, so I set it free in the grass near my home. Before I let it go, I said goodbye to the snail and reluctantly left.

Until now, I am still worried about this little snail. I wonder if it's safe. I really want to see it again.