1. The process of discarding individual, non-essential attributes and extracting the same, essential attributes from many things is necessary to form concepts. means.
2: What cannot or has not been experienced in concrete terms is only theoretical; it is empty and elusive. As opposed to "concrete".
Edit the basic concepts of this paragraph
Abstraction is to extract the most common and essential features from many things, while discarding their non-essential features. For example, apples, bananas, pears, grapes, peaches, etc., their most common characteristic is fruit. The process of arriving at the concept of fruit is an abstract process. To abstract, you must compare. Without comparison, you cannot find the most similar parts.
***Identical characteristics refer to those characteristics that can distinguish one type of thing from other types of things. These distinguishing characteristics are also called essential characteristics. Therefore, extracting the same characteristics of things means extracting the essential characteristics of things and discarding different characteristics. Therefore, the process of abstraction is also a process of cutting out, and all different and non-essential features are cut out.
The so-called identical characteristics are relative, meaning they are identical from a certain aspect. For example, cars and rice are both commodities from the perspective of buying and selling, and both have prices. This is their most unique feature, but from other aspects, they are different. Therefore, when abstracting, similarities and differences depend on the angle from which to abstract. The angle of abstraction depends on the purpose of analyzing the problem.
The main purpose of editing this paragraph
Abstraction is mainly to reduce complexity and obtain simpler concepts in the domain of discussion, so that people can control the process or take a comprehensive view. perspective to understand many specific states of affairs.
Abstraction in philosophy
Abstraction is the fundamental characteristic of philosophy. Abstraction cannot exist alone without concreteness.
The natural scenes we see are the abstractions of the physical objects in nature in our minds. Abstraction is our unique description of a certain type of thing.
Specifically, abstraction refers to:
1. The action or process of extracting one or several characteristics of a complex object and only paying attention to other characteristics (such as the mind only thinking The shape of the tree itself or only the color of the leaves, not limited by their size and shape).
2. The action or process of visually extracting or considering the same properties or characteristics of several different objects in isolation.
Abstraction is a thinking tool used in the process of understanding complex phenomena, that is, to extract the essential and unique characteristics of things without considering its details or other factors.
Each step in the software engineering process can be viewed as a refinement of the abstraction level of the software solution. When designing software, abstraction is closely related to gradual refinement and modularization. It helps us define the entities of modules in the software structure, analyze and construct the hierarchical structure of the software from abstract to concrete, and improve the understandability of the software.
Edit this section Abstraction in Art
Most people in art generally regard "abstraction" as a synonym for abstract painting. But it can refer to any object or image refined from the real world, or other concepts that are completely unrelated. Abstract paintings are not really abstract in the most realistic sense.
Artist Robert Stark wrote: "It has been a long time since we abandoned formal landscape painting and discovered instead the more direct means of freely applying paint to paper without a subject. Over the past ten years, I have also developed a new vocabulary; light and dark, warm and cold, making marks, brush-strokes like heart-rhythms. Every day is a unique test of my painting ability. Paintings will be constantly changed, reproduced, erased or repainted, as long as they remain in this studio..."
Edit this section on abstraction in psychology
Jung's definition of abstraction expanded the thought process to include four mutually exclusive and complementary psychological functions: perception, intuition, feeling, and thinking. Together they form an overall structure that alienates the process of abstraction. When abstraction acts on one of the opposing functions, it excludes the influence of other functions and unrelated things such as emotions at the same time. Abstraction requires the selective use of structural differences in mental functions. The opposite of abstraction is concreteness.
Edit this paragraph Abstract Art
Abstract art is the opposite name to figurative art, and can also be called non-figurative art. It is characterized by the lack of description and the use of emotional methods to express concepts and paintings. This method is basically expressionism and was first seen in the works of Kandinsky. It evolved from the fusion of various anti-traditional artistic influences, especially Fauvism and Cubism.
"Abstract" art does not exist in Picasso's view. He believes that some people just emphasize style and others emphasize life.
According to Michel Sèvre, abstract art is: “I call all art without any reminder or any memory of reality—whether this reality is the starting point of the painter or not—abstract. Art.
In fact, Fauvism and Cubism promoted the independent development of form and color. It was Kandinsky who further discovered its secrets. He painted the first decidedly abstract watercolor in 1910. A vibrant overlapping color dot with no concrete aspirations. Kandinsky's creative invention was aesthetically inspired by music. Later, the Czech Kupka drew inspiration directly from music to create abstract art. People call him musicalism. The originator of painters, they later formed the abstract school together.
Imagism was the earliest modern poetry school that appeared in the early 20th century. It was formed in England from 1908 to 1909. Later it was introduced to the United States and the Soviet Union. Representative figures include: Hume, Pound, Amy and Yesenin.
The emergence of Imagism was first of all, in the 19th century. In the later British literary world, symbolism, aestheticism and romanticism were integrated to form New Romanticism. By the beginning of the 20th century, traditional poetry, especially Romanticism and Victorian poetry, evolved into Imagism. Vain moaning, sentimentality and moral preaching are just "imitations of Keats and Wordsworth". Pound and his Imagists proposed "unconventional" and "innovative" poetry creation. Secondly, Berg in the early 20th century. The popularity of Senze is an extension of the influence of irrational philosophical thought in the literary world since Schopenhauer. Hume, the founder of Imagism, was directly taught by Bergson. Accepted by the Imagists, it became its main theoretical basis and philosophical foundation. Imagist poetry particularly emphasized the functions of imagery and intuition. At the same time, the symbolist poetry genre created a new way for the Imagists to create new poems, especially synaesthesia and color in poetry. and musicality, which greatly inspired the Imagists.
Since most of the Imagist poets experienced symbolic poetry creation, some people in the theoretical circle regard the Imagists as a branch of symbolism. In fact, the Imagists There is a huge essential difference from symbolism poetry. Imagism is not satisfied with symbolism's need to find the metaphorical hints and symbolic meanings behind the images through guessing. It is not satisfied with finding the mysterious relationship between appearance and thought, but wants to let the poetic meaning. In the description of appearance, it is reflected in an instant. It advocates using vivid images to restrain emotions without preaching, abstract lyricism, and reasoning. Therefore, Imagist poems often have only one image or several vivid images. Although symbolism also uses images, both use images as "objective counterparts", but symbolism treats images as symbols, focusing on association, suggestion, and metaphor, making images a kind of code to be translated. It is "moving from symbols to the real world", focusing on the image itself of poetry, that is, the concreteness, allowing emotions and thoughts to be integrated into the image, and manifested naturally and without thinking in an instant.