The allusion of the mournful yellow bird is used to describe mourning for the murder of a loyal person.
The explanation of yellow bird: the name of the bird. There are two opinions. Erya explained the bird: "Huang, yellow bird." Guo Pu's note: "The common name is Huang Liliu, also known as Boshu." Huang Liliu is the yellow warbler. Hao Yixing Yishu: "According to this, the yellow bird today is shaped like a bird and yellow, so it is called yellow bird, also known as Boshu, not Huang Liliu."
Poetry Zhou Nangeqin: "Huangniao" The birds are flying, gathering in the bushes, and they are singing. "The poem of Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms: "The yellow bird is mourning, and it hurts the lungs and liver." Zhao Youwen's editor's note: "The preface to the Yellow Bird chapter in the Book of Songs: 'Yellow bird, mourn for the three good people. Also. '" Tang Dynasty Li Bai's poem about spring in the south of the Yangtze River: "How long is the youth, the yellow bird never stops singing?" The mournful explanation is the cry of despair.
Origin of "yellow bird's mournful cry":
"Yellow bird's mournful cry" is a Chinese word. Refers to the yellow bird making a mournful cry.
"Zuo Zhuan Wen Gong Sixth Year": "Qin Boren Hao (Qin Mugong) died, and the three sons of the Che family, namely, dying, Zhongxing, and Zhenhu, were all good people of Qin. The people of the country mourned Therefore, he wrote "Yellow Bird" ("Yellow Bird" in "The Book of Songs")
It refers to condemning tyrants and mourning talents. "Three Good Poems of the Three Kingdoms" by Cao Zhi of the Wei Dynasty: "The yellow bird sings in sorrow, and the sorrow hurts the lungs and liver." See also the poems of the Ministry of Civilization "The Sad Poems of the Yellow Bird", the Sages of the Characters "Three Good People", and the Ministry of Personnel Resentment "Qin Mu Killed the Three Good People" ". When I was young, the yellow birds kept singing. According to this, today's oriole is shaped like a bird and yellow, so it is named yellow bird.