Grey hair, these are the ashes of treasure: the ashes of loss and grievance. This is the ashes, before whom the granite turns to dust. It's Zwei

The full text of this paragraph provided by the poster cannot be found. There is a similar poem. It is estimated that the translation effect is different:


Grey hair, this is the ashes of treasure

Loss and Ashes of grievance

This is ashes, in front of them

Granite turns to dust


"I will scatter a handful of burnt hair"

I will scatter a handful of burnt hair

in your cup.

I can neither eat nor sing.

I can neither drink nor sleep.

Youth has no joy,

Candy cubes have no sweetness,

Neither can they in the dark night

Be affectionate and tender with your young wife.

Just as my golden hair

became a pile of ashes,

the years of your youth

became white winter.

You will become deaf and dumb,

grow as dry as moss,

pass away like a sigh.



It should be a different translation. This text first appeared here The article "The Ashes of Treasures" only quoted the third paragraph:
