In the seventh year of Hongzhi, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a doctor and moved to Jiangxi to study as an assistant. Build Bailuyuan into a place for scholars. Jiangxi has a good tradition of yin and yang, and there are people who have not buried their parents for decades. Bao ordered scholars not to try to bury their relatives, so thousands of people were buried at the same speed. Wang Ning Chen Hao asked for poetry, but it was harsh. After Chen Hao's defeat, he was sorted out by the company, but there was no treasure. He moved to the right and surveyed Zhou's silver mine under the guard of the eunuch. Bao said, "If you spend more and get less, it will cost people and money, so don't worry about changing him." The pawn plays the sleeping thing. The political envoy of Jin Huguang.
In the fourth year of Zheng De, the right deputy was suggested and the governor was transported by water. Liu Jin is good at politics, Bao Jing, and never associates with him. Jin was furious with Pingjiang Bear for trying to break his financial path, and sent a captain to shun the door to the left to beg for it. He threatened, "I will arrest you." Zhang Cai and Cao Yuan came out from the inside and said that you had no future trouble at Pingjiang. Yi Bao said that it was not too long after Governor Pingjiang, but it was not long before they were disintegrated. Three days later, Bear and Bao went to the office. Zhu Jin, the governor of Guizhou, moved to the right assistant minister and entered the left assistant minister. Life and Zuo Shu empire, the disposal of hay. If you seek liberation, please finally lift it. Is to worship the Nanjing Minister of Rites, and then you will be exonerated. Sejong acceded to the throne, became a former official, and resumed his career with his mother. Xu Zhi, the department that asks questions politely in life.
Bao was three years old and lonely, and his mother was filial. Just ten years old, my mother's illness, for the announcement of heaven, I am willing to lower myself to extend my mother's year. And eventually I will get sick, my left hand is ruthless, and I will wait on my relatives day and night. Knowing Li Dongyang is a poem, classic and elegant, and Dongyang is a Sect. If you have a comprehensive set of books, you will have a simple book. It takes the meaning of "one thing today, one thing tomorrow" and is called "Japan Grid".
(Excerpted from The Scholars of Ming Dynasty)
Reference translation
Shao Baozi is a country sage and a native of Wuxi. Nineteen years old, studying in Jiangpu Zhuangchang. Ming Xianzong Chenghua passed the examination for 20 years and was awarded as an official of Xuzhou. On the first day of every month, Shao Bao called all the members in Gong Xue to preach the truth of distinguishing between benevolence and righteousness and public and private interests. Someone dug out the keel underground, and the wizard said it would bring misfortune. Shao Bao asked someone to bring the keel, destroyed it on the spot in court, beat up the wizard and drove him away. Shao Bao personally urged the people to plant textiles, modeled after Zhuzi Shecang, set up the gathering and scattering method, and implemented the watering method to prevent famine.
In the seventh year of Hongzhi in Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty, Shao served as a foreign minister in the imperial court, served as a doctor and was promoted to the governor of Jiangxi. Build a school building in Bailu College to accommodate people who study in it. Jiangxi folks like to listen to the words of Yin and Yang, and some people don't bury their parents for decades. Shao Bao issued a decree that scholars who did not bury their deceased relatives could not take the imperial examination, so thousands of relatives were buried one after another. Wang Ning Chen Hao asked Shao Bao for poems, and Shao Bao solemnly refused. Later, the rebellion in Chen Hao was defeated. After investigation by relevant officials, Shao Bao's handwriting to Chen Hao was not found. Shao Bao was promoted to the right ambassador to inspect the silver mine in Chuzhou under the escort of eunuchs. Shao Bao said: "Spending more and getting less is a waste of people and money. I'm afraid things will change." Finally, the throne stopped it. Promoted to political envoy of Hu Guang.
Shao Bao
In the fourth year of Ming Wudong, Shao Bao was promoted to the right deputy capital, in charge of waterway transportation. Eunuch Liu Jin monopolized state affairs, and Shao Bao went to the capital, and did not associate with Liu Jin at all. Liu Jin was dissatisfied with Chen Xiong, the former chief of water transport, and asked Shao Bao to impeach him, so he sent several captains to stop Shao Bao at Zuoshunmen and threatened Shao Bao with scary words: "You will be arrested." Zhang Cai and Cao Yuan, two officials of the official department and the Ministry of War, came out of the palace and said to Shao Bao, "As long as Pingjiang Bo is impeached, there will be no harm in the future." Shao Bao said: "Pingjiangbo is the descendant of a hero. He has been in charge of water transport for a long time, and there is nothing wrong with it. I don't know what to impeach. " Hearing this, Zhang and Cao had nothing to say and left. Three days later, Chen Xiong and Shao Bao were impeached and forced to resign. Liu Jin was executed, Shao Bao was appointed as the governor of Guizhou, and soon he was transferred to the right assistant minister of the household department, promoted to the left assistant minister, and concurrently served as the suggestion and was responsible for handling grain transportation affairs. Soon, he wrote to ask to go home and take care of his old mother, so the emperor awarded the Nanjing Ministry of Rites Shangshu, and Shao Bao resigned twice. Ming Shizong acceded to the throne, and he wanted to use Shao Baoren's previous official position. Shao Bao declined earnestly because his mother was old. The emperor allowed it and ordered relevant officials to visit him according to etiquette.