The full translation of Qu Yuan's "The Fisherman" is as follows:
After Qu Yuan was released, he swam in the rivers and lakes and chanted by the lakeside. His appearance was haggard and his description was haggard. When the fisherman saw it, he asked, "Isn't this the son of a Sanlu official? Why is this so?" Qu Yuan said, "The whole world is turbid, but I alone am pure. Everyone is drunk, and I alone am awake. This is how I see it."
< p>The Fisherman said: "The sage is not stagnant in things, but can move with the world. The world is all muddy, why don't you clean up the mud and make waves? Everyone is drunk, why don't you feed the bad and wipe out the bad? Why should you think deeply and lift yourself up? "Qu Yuan said: "I heard that those who are newly bathed must flick their crowns, and those who are newly bathed must shake their clothes. How can anyone be able to inspect the body and accept the warmth of things? I would rather go to the Xiang River and be buried in the belly of a river fish. How can I be covered in the dust of the world with the bright white color?"The fisherman smiled, drummed and went away, singing: "The water in Canglang is clear, so I can wash my tassel; the water in Canglang is turbid, so I can wash my feet." Then he left and said no more.
After Qu Yuan was exiled, he roamed the banks of the Yuan River and sang while walking on the edge of Daze. His face was haggard and his body was thin. The fisherman saw him and asked, "Aren't you a Sanlu doctor? Why have you reached this point?" Qu Yuan said, "Everyone in the world is muddy, but I am innocent. Everyone is drunk, but I am sober, so "Exiled."
The fisherman said: "The saint is not stagnant and bound by external things, but can constantly change himself according to the world.
Everyone in the world is turbid, why don't you stir up the silt and stir up the waves to join in the turmoil? Everyone is drunk, why don't you also eat the lees and drink the thin wine and get drunk together? Why think deeply, act noble, and allow yourself to be exiled? ”