I used to wander for poetry, and I still write poetry, but I don't intend to prove anything to the world. "I can't live without food, but I don't want to live without poetry."
Wang's home is in Wansang Village, Huixian Township, deep in the vast Taihang Mountains. Children who grew up in the mountains have been burdened with the high hopes of their fellow villagers since childhood, and they can only follow the rules in the textbooks stipulated by the school. How dare they expect the literary world outside textbooks? However, the university library provided Wang with such a vast world.
Wang Haisheng was fascinated by the school library. Many literary masterpieces, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, have opened his eyes, and what fascinates him even more is poetry. The most concise, concise and beautiful language in the world captured his sensitive and gentle heart so easily.
Zhang Yue, the host of CCTV, once printed 1000 copies of Sang Hai's poems. Teacher Huang Jiwei also got a box of books sent by the poet and asked him to give them to his friends casually. Lao Liu, a reader of the library, thinks that "books can only become books if they are sold." Poetry can only become poetry if it is read by more people. "After reading the library, the poems were soon sold out.
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I am the place where you have wandered.
Love helped me get on the road and then walked away, which made me miss my whole life, the long help and the short life. I want to see the moon in the dark. I see it very well.
Just as I saw you well, I ended up drawing a full stop like a tear, holding your hand, holding your hand at last and then letting go. Once you let go, it's a thousand miles.
My heart closes quietly, you are outside in the morning, you are alone with the morning, and there is a paradise for tears behind you. Many things will suddenly pass. I hope you will be healthy and safe all your life. I get up on time to go to work for dinner.
Take a break when you are tired and smile when you are sad. I'm as good as you, taking care of good days and taking care of myself.