What does rune mean?

The meaning of rune

Input and arrangement of Demon Realm·Oriha

We may be unfamiliar with rune letters, but they are not unheard of. We've seen it in Lord of the Rings, and it was even used in Lord of Destruction. Do you still remember the gray-white talisman that dropped to the ground with a "pop" sound? A single inlay has a certain effect, and when combined in a specific order, you will get a stronger power? They are called Runes, that is -


Runes are a set of alphabets that originally belonged to the Nordic and Germanic people about 1,500 years ago. people. However, the "letters" of this "alphabet" contain mystical elements that allow for divination. In fact, the word "Rune" means "mysterious" or "hidden." It comes from the German word Raunen, which means "secret conversation." The earliest and indeed most famous rune is Old Futhark (called futhark because it represents the initial six runes Feoh, Ur, Thorn, Ansur, Rad and Ken ).

The power of runes in divination is due to the fact that each hieroglyph that represents an interpretation has an extra-deep meaning.

Old Fusac contains 24 letters. There are also Fusaks with as few as 16 or as many as 33 letters. In addition to the standard 24 letters, there is sometimes a 25th rune, called Wyrd (destiny), which is empty. A symbol of fate and retribution, but only a recent addition to the runic alphabet. Many believe its meaning is implicit in other runes.

Runes can be used not only for divination, but also for seeking desired results. The use of runic manuscripts is not to predict or see into the future, but to create it.

People wrote the expected runes on paper or carved them into wood, and they carried it day and night. When a rune worked as a magic spell, it was burned reverently and with reverence. It is also considered polite to thank the runes for their help. In the words of modern psychology, the ritual of preparing runes requires concentration and quietness of the mind, which may enable the mind to begin a process of optimal operation and benefit in order to achieve the desired future.

Similar in nature to the witches' apotropaic and talismans, the runes carried by an individual can protect against danger or attract success and love. Runes tied together are called combined runes, and people wear them like jewelry, either to attract good or to ward off harm.

Runes have been found in rock carvings and can be traced back to 8000 BC, and were widespread in Scandinavia. The power of the runes is shown in the image engraved on the sword, which can make the warrior stronger in battle and inflict greater pain and more death on his enemies. Magicians would carve runes into the tools they used and sprinkle blood on them to "activate" them. When ancient Scandinavian explorers brought their civilization with them, runes and Christian hieroglyphs survived for a while, but individual religions later rejected the mixture. Even at the end of the 19th century, priests in remote parts of Scandinavia were expected to be able to read, write, and interpret the runes. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, made great efforts to eliminate their use.

The meaning of the Rune letters

The 24 old Fusac letters are divided into three parts in groups of eight, called "Eter". The three Aites are Frey (Translation: Norse mythology, the god of fertility, prosperity, love, and peace) Aite, Hag (the God of obstacles and difficulties in Norse mythology) Aite and Tyr (Translation: Nordic mythology) The mythical god of war) Et. Let's now take a look at the 24 runes and their hidden meanings.



The simplest meaning of this rune is cow. However, in a nomadic primitive society, cattle represented the accumulation of wealth, so the deeper meaning of this letter is wealth. Cows are transportable or movable, and their meaning is movable or transportable wealth, thus also referring to modern money and possessions. Its third and deepest meaning is that it represents wealth in an energetic, emotional and spiritual sense. It is worth noting that Feoh belongs to Freyette, and Frey is the god of fertility. For a primitive society, this is the greatest wealth of all.


Ur stands for bison. The bison is essentially a beast of strength and courage. In a superficial sense, this letter represents the untamed and uncontrollable force of freedom. In a deeper sense, it represents spiritual and inner strength, physical fitness and sexual prowess.


Thorn is an offensive weapon and a defensive means. It can trap a person and block the enemy. It represents energy, including excessive violence and sexual desire. This is an ambiguous letter that can suggest good luck or suggest that good luck is about to change.

Ansur (or Ansuz)

This is a prophetic and revealing letter, symbolizing wisdom and reason.

It often expresses advice.


The direct meaning of Rad is travel or wheel. But it can also mean a physical or mental or emotional journey, as in some kind of long-term undertaking that requires perseverance, planning and determination to complete.


This rune means light, and this light illuminates the road ahead. It has a deep meaning, the light of knowledge, which illuminates the darkness of uncertainty or ignorance. It is almost certainly related to the Scots word "Ken" (knowledge or understanding). In the deepest sense, Ken represents the light of creativity and the creation of new ideas.


Gifu is a gift, something given by one person to another. It has a deeper meaning, that receiving a gift places the recipient into an obligation to the giver, and perhaps its deeper meaning is that it creates a contract between the two. In a deeper sense, Gifu implies a contract of love or influence.


Wyn is the rune for reward. It symbolizes victory or a feeling of contentment and happiness and maybe even success. On its spiritual level, this letter symbolizes proximity to God. In its deepest sense, Wyn means partnership and shared joy.



This runic letter represents hail, which means division, difficulty, obstruction, restriction, disease. It is also implied that the onset of these properties is sudden and unpredictable.


This letter represents poverty or hardship, and its superficial meaning is misfortune. It also means perseverance and patience. Implying that every experience, no matter how adverse it may be, is often a beneficial one.


The simplest meaning of this letter is ice. But, in its slightly deeper sense, it reflects that snow is graceful, delicate, and beautiful, but it is also deceptive, looking like it might be trying to help you when it might not. Snow can be an obstacle. In a deeper sense, it represents possible delays in planning. Emotionally, it means the cooling down of passion, but it can also mean the quelling of anger.


Ger means harvest, which means harvesting crops in autumn. However, it also represents the entire growth cycle of a crop during the year and, therefore, the cycle of change and growth. In a deeper sense, it represents cause and effect, meaning that you reap what you sow. Thus, in the deepest sense, this letter stands for natural justice, i.e., that you will be duly rewarded for your actions, whether good or bad.


This rune means yew tree, which symbolizes death or rebirth. The yew tree is green all year round and therefore never dies. It represents rebirth or incarnation in the Valhalla in Northern Europe. In a deeper sense, Eoh represents continuity and permanence.


It is a "dice shaker", meaning to gain skill and random luck. It is believed to indicate the need for a person to give them the best chance. It also represents the revealing of hidden secrets as well as pregnancy and childbirth (with the hidden baby inside). In a deeper sense, Peorth represents moderate eating and sexual pleasure.


Eolh represents the antlers of the deer, symbolizing the hand that neutralizes danger. This rune thus represents the requirements for protection and success. Since this letter represents antlers or an upwardly extending hand, it also implies reaching the Kingdom of God.


The meaning of this letter is the power of the sun, representing the victory of God over the devil, light over darkness, clarity over blur. It is a symbol of victory.



Tyr is the Norse god of war or the god of fair games and rules. It represents determination, perseverance and male sexual desire.


Beorc is the birch tree and represents family and the family unit, as well as the joy derived from the cycle of sexuality, fertility and growth. It could be about people, ideas and new ventures. In the deepest sense, it represents rebirth, purification and renewal.


It represents horse and its simplest meaning is to represent transportation or movement. However, the horse is also a symbol of strength and speed. In the deepest sense, Ehwaz represents spiritual progress. Because there must be a relationship between horse and rider that benefits both, the rune Ehwaz also represents partnership, confidence, loyalty and progress.


The - letter represents the human individual, and it also shows the contradiction between the fact that humans live together as a family and that we die alone. The meanings represented by this rune are believed to be unique to humans: wisdom, language, the ability to plan and dominate our environment, and the potential for advanced intelligence.


Lagu is water, which means it has different appearances in different environments. Water is the most important substance in life. It represents danger (drawn from floods or sea voyages), it also represents the challenges of the journey and the risk of shipwreck. In a slightly deeper sense, Lagu illustrates the fluidity of life. It generally denotes the so-called feminine intuitive abilities, spiritual awareness, and access to the unconscious. It also embodies sexual urges.


Ing represents conclusion or ending. Ing, like Frey, was the god of fertility, and the conclusion could represent orgasm or fertility and each the result of completion. This positive rune represents strength, security, health and libido. In a deeper sense, it represents spiritual ambition and achievement.


Daeg represents daytime, and therefore also represents light. It is the sunlight of dawn and midsummer. It also represents the spiritual light of God and therefore growth, change and development.


Odel represents the wealth that comes from the fact that real estate is actually the land itself. Because it is passed down through the generations, it is also a symbol of inherited qualities or characteristics that are passed down from one generation to another. Thus, in a deeper sense, it represents an accumulation or long-term growth.

The first step in deciphering these runes is to use them for divination. In most forms of divination, this method is used to obtain an answer to a question or to obtain correct guidance on the way forward. Those who have chosen runes as a form of divination may remember Odin, the Norse god of wisdom and divination, who had himself impaled on a javelin and hung upside down from the Cosmos Tree. The tree has deep roots and luxuriant leaves, connecting heaven and earth, connecting heaven, earth and the underworld) for nine days and nine nights, thus gaining knowledge about runic letters. Norse thinking may be the archetype of the expression "no pain, no gain", with the Norse gods tending to seek a loss from you in exchange for the gain you gain from their wisdom.

Divination with runes

Divination with runes is to take out some runes from a bag, or randomly choose from runes laid out on the table. Pick some. Both methods imply that your hand was guided by the spirit in choosing an appropriate letter so that it could impart its knowledge to you. If runes, like other forms of divination, are a means of linking the conscious and the unconscious, then the implication is that your selection of the appropriate runes is unconscious. When the selected runes are revealed in the proper rune form, they are turned over like tarot cards, doing so to reveal the negative or positive qualities of the seeker that he or she must carefully considered. There are many ways to interpret the runes, here are a few examples:

Interpretation of 3 runes/Interpretation of 6 runes

What the first letter represents It is the current situation of the parties, whether it is emotional, business or any situation will be considered. The second letter represents the road ahead, and the third represents the next action.

On a slightly deeper level, deciphering 6 runes is the same as deciphering 3 above, except that each position is represented by two letters instead of one. The interplay and symbolic representation of the two letters in each position provide further insight.

Cross interpretation method

In the cross interpretation method, five rune letters are arranged in a cross shape. The letter in the center represents the current situation, and the "west" letter represents the future. The history we bring to our current situation, the "east" letters represent the future. The "north" letters represent factors that will help and the progress the seeker desires in the future, while the "southern" letters represent factors that may disrupt or hinder progress toward the desired future.

Dice Shaker Interpretation

This method arranges the runes into the same shape as the dice cup. This complex form not only represents the past, present and future, but also Represents the physical, emotional and spiritual state of the client. These letters show the path from the past to the present and towards the future, and they are also represented by 3 triangles, the uppermost triangle represents the spirit, the lower one represents the physical body, and the middle one represents the emotions. There are points of articulation in rune divination, two central runes that connect the spiritual and the emotional, and the emotional and the physical.

Oriha's note: The translation of the part about Nordic mythology in this article may be different from what is often read, such as the Universe Tree... I think most people have read it as the Universe Tree or the Universe Tree. world Tree. As for the 16-letter and 33-letter Fusak versions, no relevant information has been found yet.

——Excerpt from Chapter 3 of "Mystery and Magic": The Soothsayer of Divine Will