Many people have heard the story of Wang Xianzhi and Xi Daomao. Is the love between them true love? Wang Xianzhi is a talented and handsome young man. Many people like him, just like the princess’ love for him. To the point of madness, he actually asked him to abandon his married wife to marry her. Why did Wang Xianzhi comply with the princess' request? Was he greedy for wealth? Or did he dislike Xi Daomao, his childhood sweetheart? What was the content of the letter Wang Xianzhi wrote to Xi Daomao? Let me tell you the story.
The romantic and suave Prince Pian Pianjia, Wang Xianzhi, has seen many landscapes and met many beauties in his life. However, at the last stop of his life journey, when he was regretting his gains and losses in this life, the only thing that made him unable to let go was The most important thing is the divorce from his ex-wife Xi Daomao. It is said that when a person is about to die, his words are also good. Wang Xianzhi's confession before his death must be true. So what kind of love-hate relationship between him and Xi Daomao made him so unrestrained by nature that he couldn't let go?
Wang Xianzhi’s ex-wife Xi Daomao is the niece of his mother Xi Xuan. Because she is slightly one year older than him, she is also his cousin. The two grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and gradually fell in love and became privately engaged for life. Since the Wang family of Langya and the Xi family of Gaoping were both from first-class families and were well matched, when it came time for the male elder to get married and the female elder to get married, their parents took advantage of the situation and made their marriage a success.
In their early years, this childhood sweethearts couple lived happily, had a sweet relationship, cherished each other, and vowed to never be separated in life or death. Just as the Han Yuefu folk song "Shangxie" sang: Shangxie, I want to be with you. You know each other, you will live a long life without any end. The mountains have no mausoleums and the rivers are exhausted. The winter thunder shakes, the summer rain and snow, the heaven and the earth are united, and I dare to be with you.