When Mr. Murong is defeated, the emperor (Wei Daowu) will sweep the southern summer. So Jane chose to capture the people, stay with talent and ability, and send the rest back to food and clothing to let the people in Zhongzhou know their kindness. I firmly believe that the treasure is defeated here, and the country is empty. If the enemy causes trouble, you'd better kill them. The emperor said, "It's not a crime for you to give advice and hang people's righteousness." The generals take advice for granted. Architecture and stubbornness are a pit. The emperor regretted it.
Wang Jian was a general under Tuoba Gui, Emperor Daowu of Wei Dynasty in the early years of Northern Wei Dynasty. At the beginning, he was a doctor left, and later he moved away from riding a regular servant, and he was also the secretariat of Hebei and Qinghai, which sealed the truth and made the public.
In the twentieth year of Taiyuan in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (395), Wang Jian and Tuoba GUI defeated Yan Murong Bao's army in Shenbei (now southeast of Datong City, Shanxi Province). At first, Tuoba GUI wanted to leave useful people and repatriate tens of thousands of prisoners. Wang Jianze resolutely opposed it, thinking that it was making waves with the enemy and should be killed completely. Tuoba GUI adopted this suggestion, and they all died, but he soon regretted it.
2. The history of the New Five Dynasties. Wang Jian, Wang Chuan and Xu Zhou. When I was young, I followed Li, followed Li to Jin, and Ren converse became a conductor. Liang and Jin fought in the white elephant, confronted each other by the wild river, and the city and state soldiers guarded the bridge. Liang Bing quickly attacked them. When Emperor Tang Zhuang climbed the high platform and saw the town, he concluded that the soldiers in Erzhou were about to be defeated. He turned to Wang Jianhe and said, "If this bridge is taken away by Liang Jun, then our army will be in danger. What should we do? " Wang Jian led a flying horse to ride two hundred horses, engaged in battle, and was defeated and dispersed. When fighting with Tang Zhuangzong in Shenxian and Jiuyuan, they all took the lead in advanced cities, accumulated the credit for being the secretariat of Liaozhou, and commanded the silver gun to rescue the troops.
Gold attack, Wang Jian personally carried reeds to fill the ditch, advanced city to conquer. After fighting in Liu Hu and defeating Jin Jun, the Tang Dynasty competed with Liang Jun for heaped-up mountains. Liang Bing was the first to arrive and set up his position on the mountain. When Tang came to the foot of the mountain, he saw that the battle was firm and strict. He shouted to his army: "Today's battle is the victory of occupying the heaped-up mountains." So they rushed, followed by Wang Jian and the silver spear army, fled down the mountain and deployed in Shanxi, so the nomads from Shanxi captured the heaped-up mountains. All the generals said, "We can't fight for a short time until the scattered troops get together." Yan Bao said: "They are deployed on the mountain and we are at the foot of the mountain. We can still beat them, not to mention attacking from a high position. " Wang Jianhe thought so too, so he said to Tang, "Please climb high and watch me break the enemy!" Call the soldiers at random: "The munitions lost today are all in Xishan, why not get them back!" " "Immediately attack Liang Jun position, Liang Bing was defeated as a result. 8 Jin Jun then stationed in Desheng, and the north and south cities were built on both sides of the Yellow River. Liang Gui attacked and tied the warship to the Yellow River with bamboo ropes. Jin soldiers can't cross the river, and they are in danger. In the Tang Dynasty, gold, silver, silks and satins piled up at the gate of the military camp to recruit people who could break Liang Jun's warships and let people spit out flames and recite spells. Wearing double armour and holding a spear, Wang Jianhe shouted, "Liang and Jin are only separated by a river, so why use clever tricks! See how I break the enemy today! " Immediately piled firewood on a big urn and set fire to Liang Jun's warships from the upstream. Wang Jian and his two armored soldiers went to fight with the fire, cut off their bamboo ropes, and Liang Bing fled. Jin can read the Yellow River, save, He Gui retreat and go.
Since Tang got it, Wang Jianhe has commanded the silver gun to rescue the soldiers. Wang Jian and his soldiers like to share their wealth with the soldiers. Wei was a eunuch of the Tang and Zhuang School, and he was in charge of his army. Wei said, "Wang Jian and his soldiers helped him, fearing that he would have second thoughts and could not be allowed to take charge of the soldiers." Then he was appointed as the secretariat of Daizhou. Wang Jianhe died at the age of 57.
3. The Rain Over the Mountain Villa (Tang Dynasty) translated the original text of Wang Jian's ancient prose:
One or two chickens crow in the rain, and Zhuxicun Road leans against Banqiao.
Mother-in-law called a silkworm bath and laid gardenias in the atrium.
Rain in the Mountain Village is a poem by the poet Wang Jian, which has been passed down to this day and is well-known and deeply loved and respected by poetry fans. This seven-character quatrain depicts a fresh and beautiful picture of busy farming in a mountain village with concise and delicate brushwork. The first two sentences, the point. "One or two crows" refers to the lack of family, which is a unique sight in mountain villages. Banqiao Xie, Zhuxi Village Road, describes the quiet and deep scenery of the mountain village. The third sentence is about women bathing silkworms in the rain, which shows that farmers are busy. The fourth sentence is about gardenia in the atrium, which compares the busyness of farmers and the idleness of flowers in the spring silkworm season, making the words fresh and lasting. The whole poem captures the characteristics of the mountain village everywhere, describes the scenery and people, and has a strong local flavor.
Poetry translation
One or two crows in the rain, one or two crows in the rain.
Zhuxicun Road Banqiao Inclined. -the streams in the bamboo forest are gurgling and the wooden bridges are curved.
Mother-in-law and aunt called a silkworm bath, and aunt called a silkworm bath.
Gardenia in the idle atrium. The gardenias in the yard are in bloom, but no one looks at them.
In the rain, there are one or two chickens, the banks of the stream are covered with bamboo, the country road passes through the stream, and the wooden bridge is winding. Sister-in-law and aunt in the village called each other to clean the silkworm eggs, and no one came to enjoy the gardenias in the yard during the busy farming season.
Appreciation editor of works
This pastoral poem is very poetic and full of the breath of working life, which is quite commendable.
One or two chickens crow in the rain. The beginning of the poem is full of mountain village flavor. First of all, this is related to the "crow", which is one of the characteristics of village residence. On rainy days, the dark and bright sky will induce "chicken crow". But if it is a plain dam, the village is generally not very small, and a crow of chickens will attract a chorus of chickens. Mountain villages are different. The terrain scattered the settlements. Even if it becomes a village, there won't be many households. "One or two crows" just wrote the special flavor of the mountain village.
"Zhuxi Village Road Banqiao Inclined". If the first sentence expresses "seclusion" in a mountain village, then the second sentence describes it through a winding path leading to a secluded place, which shows the "depth" of mountain residence and allows readers to experience the pleasure of mountaineering under the guidance of poetry. How satisfying it is to walk on a winding path in the drizzle and listen to the rustling bamboo and the gurgling water. Unconsciously came to a small bridge. This is a "Banqiao" made of wooden boards. The villagers are simple, and the ravines are not big, so there is no need to make public. From the point of view of beauty, this Banqiao is located between Zhuxicun Road, equipped with Banqiao, but it is a natural and harmonious scenery.
The word "mountain rain" is all here. The poet turned to agriculture: "Mother-in-law called silkworm bath". "Bathing silkworm" refers to selecting silkworm eggs with salt water in ancient times. "Silkworm Classic" records that "Silkworm is forbidden" in Zhou Li, and "Silkworm is a dragon essence, which is planted in the moon fire (February) and bathed." This means it's in mid-spring. In this simple small mountain village, mother-in-law and aunt call each other and walk together, which is very kind. As members of the same family, the relationship is so harmonious. They greet each other as if unwilling to fall behind his family. In the season of "calling silkworms to take a bath", there must be something called "calling Niu Geng to take a bath". Just take one end and it is not difficult to see the rest. Adding a pair of "female aunts" to the beautiful rain scene seems to be more poetic than a pair of brothers.
Tian Jia enjoys the moon less and bathes silkworms in the rain, which makes the farmhouse atmosphere more delicious during the busy farming season. But the poet deliberately wanted to add icing on the cake and wrote the last sentence with a wonderful pen: "Gardening in the atrium". In fact, no one is "idle", but he doesn't speak directly, but writes from the back and side. Use "leisure" to set off busyness, and use the "leisure" of gardenia to set off the scene of people coming and going. A western poetry critic said that it is no more difficult to dig a stone from the pyramid by hand than to replace a sentence from a masterpiece. The word "leisure" here is just such a word. It is not only the whole sentence, but also the "eye" of the whole article. Once placed, it cannot be moved. At the same time, the poet became a "gardenia", which enriched his poems. Gardenia Ran Ran smells like rain, and the image is beautiful enough. In addition, it should be noted that this flower is a "concentric flower", and the symbol of * * * has always been used in poetry, so the girl * * * likes to pick this plain flower. No one picks gardenias in this poem, which mainly shows that spring is busy with farming, which seems to have nothing to do with the meaning of "concentric". But this just shows from another side that there is no "leisure" time for love in busy farming season, so the meaning of that flower has been forgotten. This subtle ending is really brilliant and stirring. Predecessors once commented on the last sentence of this poem: "Smart mind and beautiful words are the easiest to enlighten people."
4. Wang Monk, a Confucian scholar, is also a Linyi person. When I was a few years old, Uncle Hiroshi called all my descendants together. Hiroko and the monk danced in the field, and monk Qian sat alone and picked candles and beads for Phoenix. Hong said, "This son will eventually be an elder."
Monks like official script. Filial piety wants to be good at its title, but monks dare not show traces. They often dig pens and books to show their abilities. Taishi Gongshi served as a lieutenant and Xing Wu satrap. (2) good book, martial arts, and monk Qian Gong book, and county, theorists call it.
Mao is good at writing books and saying things, and he acceded to the throne, which is very powerful. After gambling with the monk, he said, "Who is the first?" The monk said devoutly, "The book of ministers comes first, and so does your majesty." Laugh at him and say, "Your kindness can be described as asking for more happiness." When a monk shows piety to a historical site, he will ask a name. Qian Shang Yang Xin, a monk, wrote a volume "Nengshu Names".
Monk Qian said in "On Books": Books, from the cloud, are comparable to and respected. Commentators said: "Nature is better than sheep music, but kung fu is not as good as music". Great-grandfather received the book, and the right army said, "My brother's book will not reduce me." When Yu was young, he was as famous as the right army. When the right army fell behind, Yu was not angry. In Jingzhou, he wrote a book with people in Beijing: "Children learn easily and learn less, so they should compare with me." Wang Youjun wrote this book on the table, and Emperor Jin Mu ordered Zhang Yi to write this book, which is exactly the same, but he answered the questions after the questions. The right army didn't say goodbye at that time, and it took a long time to understand that the cloud "Zhang Yi is a villain, and I want to be fascinated." Zhang Zhi and Will were rated as the previous generation, and there is no way to tell the difference between them, only by their amazing brushwork. Yang Xin's book was very important for some time and was respected by his son. His calligraphy is particularly good, but it is not worthy of the name. Kong Lin's book is naturally indulgent, with great brushwork, and its rules may be behind Yang Xin's. Xie Zongshu, it is better to hate less flattery. Xie lingyun is neither fish nor fowl, and he has also entered the stream when he meets. Yu Xin learns from the right army and wants to confuse the truth. (Adapted from "Seven Books in the South")
Note: ① Digging pen: bald pen. ② Wang Xianzhi: Zi, a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is famous for his cursive style. ③ Right Army: General of the right army. Wang Xizhi (Shao Yi), a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once held this post and was called "Wang Youjun".
1. In the following statement, bold words are misinterpreted as ().
A. eventually become an elder. Elder: An older person
B. The right army fell behind: it grew later.
C. Natural indulgence: unrestrained
D, the inflow and inflow are also obtained, which are included in the flow product.
2. In the following statements, the group with the same meaning and usage of bold words is ().
A. I often dig a pen to read Rong/Yang Xin's books for a while.
B. Answer/Correct after the question is not a name.
C. The right army did not bid farewell at that time, and it took a long time to realize/break Jingzhou and go to Jiangling.
D. it is impossible to tell the pros and cons/it is the beauty of Xu Gong.
3. The following understanding of the sentences in the text does not conform to the meaning of the text: ()
A. Uncle Hong gathers all the descendants, and monk Hongzi dances in the field.
Uncle wang hong gathered the children together, and wang hong's son, Wang Senda, scampered on the ground.
B. Mao's writing style is good, and he acceded to the throne, which is very powerful.
Mao was good at calligraphy, and he loved it after he acceded to the throne.
C. Youth is selfish.
You can say that you are good at independent thinking.
D. Great-grandfather received the book, and You Junyun said, "Brother's book will not reduce me."
My late great-grandfather Wang Lingjun wrote a letter, and Wang Xizhi said, "My brother didn't lose me when he wrote."
4. In the following understanding and analysis, one that does not conform to the meaning of the text is ()
A. In order to protect himself in front of Emperor Xiaowu, Wang Sengqian did not hesitate to write with a bald pen to hide his calligraphy level.
B Wang Xianzhi and Wang Sengqian are both good at calligraphy, and both worked as county magistrates in Xing Wu, so they are all said to be beautiful.
C Yu Yi, the general of the Western Expedition, is as famous for his calligraphy as Wang Xizhi, and many young students come to Yuyi to study.
D Zhang Yi and Yu Xin imitated Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and both of them almost reached the level of confusing the real with the fake.
5. The article says that "calligraphy is better than Yang Xin, and critics say that' nature is better than Yang Xin, but kung fu is not as good as Yang Xin'", which means that "Song Wendi's calligraphy can be compared with others, but critics at that time said that' Song Wendi's talent is higher than Yang Xin's, and the artistic level of calligraphy is not as good as Yang Xin' Please talk about your understanding of the relationship between "nature" and "kung fu" in combination with your reading accumulation. (not less than 200 words)
5. Expound the relationship between "nature" and "Kung Fu" by combining personal reading accumulation.
5. Zhou Dunyi's biography of classical Chinese reading answer "Zhou Dunyi's biography" (excerpt) reading-"Ailian said" synchronous reading
Upload: Huang Hailong updated at 2012-5-1418: 05: 42.
Reading the Biography of Zhou Dunyi (Excerpt)
-read "Ailian said" at the same time.
Nankang Tangjiang Hongqi School Huang Hailong
original text
Zhou Dunyi, Mao Shu, Daozhou camp Taoist. Formerly known as Dunshi, he avoided the British Sect and changed to the Sect. With uncle Long Ting bachelor Zheng as the main book. If you stay in prison for a long time, you will make up your mind. Everyone in the city was shocked and said, "The old official is not as good as you." The Ministry recommended that Nan 'an Army Manager join the army. If a prisoner dies unjustly, transshipment makes Wang Kui want to treat him deeply. Wei Xiao is a fierce official and dare not argue. Dunyi argued with him alone, but refused to listen. Instead, the handwritten manuscript is designated to be returned and the official is abandoned. He said, "That's quite official! Killing people is fascinating, and I do everything. " If you are enlightened, you will be free from jail.
To annotate ...
① Fenning: place name. 2 main book: official name. 3 Committee: discard, discard. (4) Handwritten version: namely water board, which is a long and narrow board held by ancient ministers when they went to court, to list the items they played.
Reading training
1. Use "/"to divide the reading rhythm of the following sentences. (Draw only one place)
Prisoners should not die.
2. Explain the words added in the article.
(1) Prison () (2) Educate () (3) Get ()
3. Talk about the meaning of "the prisoner died improperly, and the transshipment made Wang Kui want to be deeply treated".
4. In your own words, why did Zhou Dunyi "abandon his official position"?
5. What are the two characteristics of Zhou Dunyi in order to highlight people? Please summarize it in your own words with the text "Ailian said".
Reference answer
1, imprisoned/illegally died
2, (1) lattice, (2) understanding, (3) getting, to.
There is a prisoner who should not die according to the law, and Wang Kui should severely punish him. (Keywords: French, depth)
4. Wang Kui was unfair in sentencing the prisoners and didn't listen to Zhou Dunyi's opinion. (expressed in one's own language)
5.① Good at solving crimes; (2) integrity, integrity.
Zhou Dunyi, Mao Shu, is from Yingdao County, Daozhou. Originally named Dunshi, it was changed to Dunyi because it avoided the old name of Yingzong. Due to the recommendation of Zheng Xiang, a bachelor of my uncle Longtuge, I made Fenning County Master Book. There is a case that has been delayed for a long time and has not been decided. After Zhou Dunyi took office, he was immediately clarified after only one trial. People in the county were surprised and said, "The old jailer can't compare with you!" " The minister recommended him and transferred him to Nan 'an to be the general manager of the army, Cao Shenjun. There is a prisoner who should not be sentenced to death according to the law, and the transshipment makes Wang Kui want to give him a heavy sentence. Wang Kui is a cruel and fierce bureaucrat. No one dares to argue with him. Dunyi argued with him alone. Wang Kui didn't listen, so Dunyi threw the boat home and planned to resign, saying, "How can you still be an official like this? I won't kill to please my superiors. " Wang Kui understood that the prisoner was saved.
6. Seeking the answer to reading classical Chinese in Shen Xing ~ ~ ~ Thanks to Shen Xing, the word is flawless, and Dong 'e (now Pingyin County, Shandong Province) is a native. 17 years old, taking the rural exam. Shi Yu wanted to hold a coronation ceremony (that is, an adult ceremony) for him at the Ming Road banquet, but he declined politely because he did not obey his father's orders. Two years later, Qin Long became a scholar and was awarded the editor of the Hanlin Academy. Mu Zonglu, compiled in the early years of Wanli, was recommended to be revised as a Japanese lecturer. According to the old practice, senior officials in imperial academy were used as Japanese lecturers, but they didn't reach the level of historians. Yu, Zhang Qian, Shen and Chen Xiaobin all gained the status of historians, but their fates were different. After a lecture, the emperor took out a picture of the imperial palace and asked the lecturers to write poems and inscriptions respectively. Shen Xing is not good at writing. The parties themselves wrote a poem, wrote it on it, and told the emperor all the actual situation. The emperor was very happy. He wrote four big letters "Blame Chen Shan" to him, and the word Lin Chuan is a big deal.
Liu Tai was arrested for impeaching Zhang, and his colleagues and friends avoided him, so they went to visit him. When Zhang instructed his protege to "snatch love", Yu wrote to his colleague to protest, but he was prevented from writing. Zhang was very angry after hearing this. One day, he said to Shen Xing, "You are my beloved student. Do you do such a thing?" I calmly replied: "It is because you love me!" Zhang is very dissatisfied with it. Soon, Yu returned home due to illness. After Zhang's death, Yu was reactivated and reinstated. At that time, Zhang Jiacai had declined, and assistant minister Qiu Zun went to register the property and confiscated the whole family. I wrote to say that Zhang's mother was old, and her children were homeless and poor, which was sad. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the kindness of the wise monarch not to leave easily and take care of the old feelings of the ministers. His words are sincere. At that time, people rated him as doing the right thing.
Yu is obviously familiar with the system of laws and regulations, and he decides the big etiquette system. Prior to this, during the Jiajing period, after filial piety, he was promoted to the ancestral temple and moved to Renzong. Mu Zong was promoted to the ancestral temple and moved to Xuanzong. I think it's impolite. Textual research on the relocation of ancestral temple is based on the old examples of Jin, Tang and Song Dynasties, and the language is clear and practical. Although things have not been implemented, people of insight admire him for knowing manners. He added: "The sixteen kings, such as Nanchang and Shouchun, are far away from the world and should be sacrificed in the cemetery, not in the ancestral hall." It was also abolished and not implemented.
In the eighteenth year of Wanli, in the first month, a letter was written, demanding that the prince be established as soon as possible and be educated. In winter, I wrote to ask again. The emperor was so angry that he issued two decrees to severely criticize him. Undeterred, he wrote the next day: "I am in charge of the knighthood of the prince, but it is our fault that we didn't say anything." I hope the emperor will make a big plan as soon as possible. I would rather abandon my official position and return. " The emperor was even more unhappy, accusing him of threatening the monarch to doubt his holiness, causing fundamental chaos in the country, and stopping the salaries of officials below the Ministry of Rites. After taking the provincial examination in Shandong, the name of the person who presided over the examination was announced in advance, and it was true soon. The speaker impeached does, and officials stopped paying salaries. So I decided to resign. Before the emperor agreed to his request, the throne was presented many times. After staying at home for more than ten years, people inside and outside have recommended it many times, but (he) refused. In the thirty-third year of Wanli, it began to be used as the director of Zhan Shifu. After resigning from the throne, the emperor can't keep it. Two years later, the court elected seven cabinet ministers. Yu ranks first among seven people. Zongshen ordered him to participate in confidential affairs as a former official, prince and university student of Dongge. I refused to be approved many times and had to leave home and go on the road. At that time, Yu was terminally ill, and when he thanked him in court, he could not bow down according to etiquette, so he wrote a confession. After returning home, he couldn't afford to get sick, so he drew up a legacy, asked the emperor's goodwill minister, hired former officials, and added admonishers. A few days later, he died at the age of 63.
7. Classical Chinese reading answers Liu Huai Su Chuan translation.
Liu Huaisu, a native of Pengcheng, is a cousin of Emperor Gaozu. His family has been poor for generations, but he cultivates his own land and is very studious.
Huai Su started as Liu Ningshuo's satrap Sima, Liu crusaded against Sun En, and Huai Su made meritorious military service. Later, he became Longxiang Sima and Feixian county magistrate. I heard of the high-impedance uprising and handed over the affairs of the county to Liu. After the capital was pacified, Zhenwu general Liu Daogui pursued Huan Xuan, taking Sue as Sima, while Huan Xuan left He Lianzhi and guarding Muluozhou. Sue attacked and defeated them. After Liu Tongping, the satrap of Yingchuan, was appointed as the satrap of Gaoping. After Huan Xuan's death, his nephew defeated the insurgents, who retreated to find Yang. Sue and Jiangxia's attack defeated Helian in Magnetic Mount. Feng, the general of the puppet town east, will guard the east bank of Xiakou, Monsanto will guard Lushan City, and Huanxianke will guard the crescent base, all of which are joint ventures. Sue and Liu Daogui pursued the victory and captured two of them alive. Feng should flee to Shicheng and take Huan Xianke alive. In the first month of the first year of Yixi (405), Huan Zhen was defeated and fled. Liu Daogui sent Liu Huaiping to settle Shicheng and killed Feng Gai and his son Feng. In March, Jiangling was attacked again, and Sima Xiu, the secretariat of Jingzhou, fled, but Su was anxious to save him. He traveled day and night and arrived in seven days. Deploy 30,000 troops, fill the field with banners, leap into the horizontal knife, and personally attack the battle of the Soviet Union. The arrow hurt Sue's forehead, and everyone was scared and wanted to run away. Sue opened her eyes wide and attacked more bravely, and so did his men, so the foot soldiers scrambled to behead them in the battle. Jiangling settled down, and Sima Xiuzhi came back to guard. He shook Sue's hand and said, "Without your help, I would have nowhere to go." Fu Si, Ma Su, Jin Fuqing and Le Zhi, the generals of the puppet troops, were taken to Jiangxia, and the Soviet Union pursued them and killed Le Zhi. Liu Daogui appointed Liu Huaisu, the capital of Jiangxia County, to temporarily guard Xiakou.
Su was appointed as Tong Zhilang, and at the same time served as the general of the auxiliary country and the satrap of Liyang County in Huainan. In the second year (406), he was appointed as Liu Yifu's army Sima, and the general and commander-in-chief remained unchanged. Because of the contribution of the uprising, it was named as the Hou of Dongxing County and a thousand households in the food city. That winter, Huan Yousui, Sima Guo and Chen attacked Hutao Mountain, and Huai Su led the infantry and cavalry to defeat the enemy. Between jianghuai barbarians and huan's group insurrection. Sue personally asked to go out for a blow, but after leaving, he went against her wishes. Liu Yi was relieved of Su Huaizhong's official position. Three years (407), 4 1 year. After his death, he was chased as a left general. Sue has no son. His younger brother Liu Huaishen asked his son Liu Weizu to inherit the title of Sue, and Liu Weizu was an official in Jiangxia.
Wei Zu died and his son Liu Daocun succeeded him. At the end of Yuanjia, Taizu joined the army at the suggestion of Liu, king of Jiangxia. Sai-jo crusaded against Liu Shao, the culprit. When the rebels arrived at Xinting, Liu Daocun escaped. The culprit Liu Shao killed Liu Daocun's mother and made it public. Before and at the end of Jingdi's abolition, the corps commander was Taizai, Gong Yi was killed, and Liu Daocun was also killed as a confidant.
8. About the explanation of the added words in the following sentences, it is incorrect that (c).
A. Except Gao Ping and Tai Shou; appoint as
B. Everyone faces each other: each other.
C. People are afraid of running away: defecting
D. Xiao Lezhi and other owls: beheading in public.
9. In the following statements, the group that directly expresses Liu Huai's "courageous" is (D).
(1) Crushed Sun En and made great achievements. (2) Destroyed Yanglin Rebel Army.
(3) Attack Cisse, break it (4) Bow armor, fall into the second city, and capture Xianke alive.
⑤ Pingshicheng, beheading Feng Gai and his son ⑤ Dujiang Xiajiu County, Quanzhen Xiakou.
A.①②⑥ B.③④⑤ C.②③⑤ D.①⑤⑥
10. The following understanding and analysis of the original text is inaccurate ()
A. Feng Ying, the general of the puppet town east, should guard the east bank of Xiakou, the city of Lushan, and the base of Yanyue. They all joined the army. Sue and Daogui attacked them and defeated the enemy.
B Huan Zhen attacked Jiangling, and Huai Su led a great army to come to help day and night. Facing the formidable enemy, Huai Su was fearless and finally turned the tide.
C. The barbarians between Jianghuai and Huan's figureheads made an insurrection, and the Soviet Union took the initiative to attack them. After leaving, he disobeyed orders and was dismissed by Liu Yi.
After Su's death, he was named General Zuo. As he had no son, his younger brother Liu Huaishen inherited the title by virtue of his children, and later became an official in Jiangxia.
1 1.( 1) Translate the underlined sentences in the reading materials of classical Chinese in question 3 into modern Chinese. (7 points)
(1) 30,000 troops were mobilized, flags were hung with wild flags, and horses pranced with spears and bows. (4 points)
(2) Holding hands, holding hands, he said, "I have no home because of my little strength." (3 points)
(2) Use the separator (/) to break the sentences with wavy lines in the classical Chinese reading materials. (3 points)
The rebel army went to Xinting Road to save Benyuan's mother, to abandon the prospect of the emperor and respect Taizai for loyalty, and to engage in loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, defeat, party and prison.
Questions 1 1 and 12 can be done according to the translation.