A Brief Analysis of Stalin's Successors

A brief analysis of Stalin's successors' foreign literary works

Poems by the Soviet poet Evtushenko (1933-). It writes about Stalin's past, that is, "slander", "imprisoning innocent people" and "forgetting people's welfare", and points out that although Stalin believed in great goals, he did not think that means should be commensurate with the greatness of goals. Although Stalin has died, he just pretended to be dead in the coffin, so the number of sentries in front of the tomb must be doubled or tripled, so as not to remind Stalin of his past. There are many successors of Stalin in the world, and Stalin must be eliminated from the successors.

This poem, like some poems written by the author in the 1950s and 1960s, reflects the social trend of thought after the Soviet Union criticized the cult of personality. The central idea of the poem, in the author's words, is that "we removed Stalin from the mausoleum, but it is not so easy to remove him from our thoughts and feelings", and we should fundamentally eliminate Stalin's influence.

Poetry contains strong subjective consciousness and political color.