Why didn't the Lord listen to the loud cry of the house of Judah? Why Judah?

The tribe of Judah is one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Judah entered Canaan, the promised land of God, and after leaving Egypt, settled in the area south of Jerusalem. This tribe is the most powerful one, which has produced two kings, David and Solomon, and predicted that the Messiah would come from this tribe. After the Assyrian conquest in 72 1 BC made ten northern tribes disappear, two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, were the only successors of Moses' covenant. Judas flourished until 586 BC, when it perished in Babylon, and many people were forced into exile. Cyrus the great allowed Jews to return to their homeland in 538 BC, and the Jerusalem Temple was restored. Since then, the history of Jews and Judaism is basically the history of Judaism.

The family of Judah refers to the people of Judah. Because of their sins, God will not listen to their cry, but God's covenant will not be broken, and the State of Israel will be revived in the future.