1. Requesting a translation of the 2007 Hunan volume in classical Chinese
The principle of a wise king governing a country is as Youruo said in his reply to Mizi, and there must be a method. When the monarch listens to speeches, he always appreciates the speaker's eloquence, and when observing actions, he always appreciates the style that is far from reality. Therefore, when ministers talk to the people, they are incomprehensible, and when they do things, they are far away from reality. The explanation of this chapter is reflected in the section of Tian Hong's answer to the King of Chu in "Shuo Yi". Therefore, there is a story about Mozi using wood to make velvet but useless, and Gui Gui using singing to inspire and build a martial palace. Medicinal wine tastes bitter and is good for illness, while loyal words are unpleasant to the ear and good for action. This is something that only the Mingjun and the Holy Lord can understand.
Mi Zijian was in charge of Shan’s father. Youruo met him and said, “Why have you lost weight?” Youruo said: "In the past, Shun played the five-stringed qin and sang the poem "South Wind", and the world was peaceful. Now Shanfu has to worry about governing such a small place. What should the world do? So if you have a way to rule the country, even if you sit comfortably in the court with a rosy face like a girl, it will not hinder the governance of the country; if you have no way to rule the country, even if your body is tired and tired, There is still no benefit to being thin."
The King of Chu said to Tian Jiu: "Mozi is a well-known scholar. He is good in practice. He talks a lot, but he doesn't listen. Why? Tian Wu said: "In the past, the king of Qin married his daughter to the prince of Jin, and asked Jin to prepare decorations for his daughter. There were seventy women in gorgeous clothes as dowry girls. When they arrived in Jin, people in Jin liked to marry concubines, but they didn't. Looking down on the daughter of Qin Jun can be called being good at marrying a liar, but it cannot be said that he is good at marrying a girl. There was a man in the state of Chu who sold pearls in the state of Zheng. , decorated with roses and connected with jade. Zheng Guoren bought his box and returned the beads to him. This can be said to be good at selling boxes, not to say that he is good at selling pearls. The remarks in today's society are all beautiful and beautiful. If it is true, the monarch only cares about literary talent and does not care about its usefulness. If Mozi's teachings are to spread the teachings of the ancient kings and clarify the sage's words, he is worried that if he modifies the literary talent, he will worry that people will pay attention to the literary talent and forget about it. This is the same type of thing as the people of Chu selling pearls and the king of Qin marrying his daughter, so Mozi said a lot, but he didn't listen to it."
Mozi. A flying deaf made out of wood, it took three years to make, but it broke after one day of flying. The disciple said: "The master's craftsmanship is so skillful that he can make the wooden kite fly high." Mozi said: "I can't compare with the craftsmanship of the people who make the carts. They use small pieces of wood and can make it without a day's work." It can pull the weight of thirty stones, travel a long distance, use a lot of force, and can be used for many years. Now I made the wooden kite, which took three years to make, but it broke after only one day of flying." Said: "Mozi is so shrewd - he knows that making a chariot is smart and making a wooden deaf is clumsy."
When the King of Song was at odds with Qi, he built a palace specifically for martial arts. When Gui Gui sang, the walkers stopped to watch, and the builders did not feel tired. After the King of Song heard about it, he summoned Yu Gui and rewarded him. Yu Gui replied: "My teacher Sheji's songs are better than mine." The king of Song summoned Sheji and asked him to sing, but the walkers kept walking and the builders were tired. The King of Song said: "The walkers keep walking, the builders are tired, and Sheji can't sing as well as you. Why?" Yu Gui replied: "Your Majesty, you can check the effectiveness of the two of us." When Yu Gui was singing, the builders built only four boards, but when Sheji was singing, they built eight boards. Then check the strength of the wall. The wall built when Yu Gui was singing could be penetrated by five inches, but the wall built when Sheji was singing could be penetrated by five inches. It can only penetrate two inches.
Good medicine tastes bitter, but a wise man will try to drink it because he knows that he will be cured of his disease after drinking it. Good advice may be harsh to the ears, but a wise king is willing to listen to it because he knows that success can be achieved through it. 2. 2013 Hunan College Entrance Examination Chinese Language Test Paper and Answers
2013 Hunan College Entrance Examination Chinese Language Test Paper and Answers (Word Edition) This test paper has 7 major questions, 21 small questions, and 8 pages.
The duration is 150 minutes and the full score is 150 points.
1. Use of language and characters (12 points, 3 points for each question) 1. The correct pronunciation of the dotted words in the following words is C A. comfy qiè quiet bì Garden of Eden diàn glimpse piě B. take advantage of the situation chng joking xuè plasticity suò stride thousands of miles kuǐC. delicacies yáo amaranth xiàn lookout post liào find a unique path xīD. seal carving zhuàn dark yǒu mantra chán can carry the tripod káng 2. Among the following words, the group with no typos is D A. Dress up as a businessman, care twice as much as the lingering sound B. radiate The members are burly, the flowers are falling from the sky, and they will shine forever C. Working together to make a drop in the ocean is a gag D. Selection, selection, diligence, thrift, tit-for-tat 3. Among the following sentences, the one with the most problematic language is B A. The joys and sorrows of life are not purely determined by material conditions, and a millionaire is likely to be inferior to his own body. The reason why a penniless tramp lives happily is that to experience the joy of life requires an artistic vision and a leisurely state of mind.
B. Culture is multi-directional and multi-faceted: it is both material and spiritual; it is both solid and dynamic; it has past tense, modern tense and future tense; it must be inherited It is more important to innovate and develop it. C. Accurate weather forecasting is a difficult problem, because the weather is not only affected by various air masses, but also by factors such as terrain and water conditions. Changes in any factor may cause unexpected weather changes.
D. To completely eradicate the bad habit of "Chinese-style crossing the road", it is unrealistic to just rely on sports-style governance. Advocating traffic civilization, enhancing legal awareness, and improving road facilities are the solutions to the problem. fundamental way. 4. Fill in the sentences under the horizontal line in the following paragraph in turn. The most appropriate group is C leisure, which means doing nothing and thinking about nothing.
Yes, go to the waterside for tea. Sometimes, I sit from afternoon until dusk.
After people dispersed, when I turned around, I seemed to see Mr. Feng Zikai’s painting "After People Dispersed, a Crescent Moon and Sky Like Water". I saw a pale moon in the sky, half-rolled bamboo curtains, and bamboo curtains. There are a few chairs and a few coffee tables left on the table, that's all. ① Steal half a day of free time and invite a few close friends ② No one is seen, but there is an unspeakable artistic conception ③ Unknowingly, a crescent moon hangs on the willow branches ④ In March, watch the peach blossoms bloom all over the road and listen to the cuckoos singing A.②①③④ B.④③①② C.④①③② D.②③④① 2. Classical Chinese reading (22 points.
Among them, multiple choice questions are 12 points, each question is 3 points; translation questions are 10 points) Read the following classical Chinese text, Complete questions 5~9. "Wei Lue" says: Liu Bei stationed in Fancheng.
At that time, Cao Gong decided to attack Hebei and knew that Jingzhou would be attacked next time, but Liu Biao was slow-tempered and did not know military matters. Liang went north to see Bei. Bei was not the same as Liang, and because of his young age, he treated him with all kinds of business.
After sitting down and gathering, all the guests left, leaving Liang alone, without asking him what he wanted to say. Bei is good at tying knots. If someone picks up an oxtail and ties it with him, Bei will tie it with his own hands.
Liang Naijin said: "General Ming Dynasty must have great ambitions again, but the knot is just evil!" Bei Zhiliang was very human, so he threw the gate and replied: "What are you talking about? Let's talk about it. "Wangyouer." Liang then asked, "Which one is the general trying to save Liu Zhennan or Cao Gongxie?" "It's not as good as that." He said: "Today they are all inferior, and the generals only have a few thousand people. If you treat the enemy like this, the gain is nothing more than a plan!" Bei said: "I am also worried about this, what should I do?" Liang said: "Nowadays, Jingzhou is not a small town, but there are few registered people. People are not happy when they live in peace and quiet. It can be said that Zhennan is the place where all the wandering households in the country can live their lives, because recording it will benefit everyone. < /p>
"Be prepared to follow his plan, so the crowd will be strong. From this, I knew that Liang had a brilliant strategy, so he treated me as a guest.
This is also what "Jiuzhou Spring and Autumn" said. Chen Songzhi thought it was clear that "the emperor did not think that his ministers were despicable, and he was in vain. He paid close attention to his ministers in the thatched cottage three times, and consulted them on the affairs of the world."
Although I heard different words, each of them is related to the other, but they still behave obediently, which is also good and strange. (The above is an annotation written by Pei Songzhi for "The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms: Zhuge Liang's Biography".
"The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms", simplified version of Zhonghua Book Company) I was ordered to collect the similarities and differences of the Three Kingdoms to annotate Chen Shou's "National Chronicles". The narration of the longevity book is impressive, and there are many things to review and correct.
A garden that can be visited sincerely, a glorious history in modern times. However, the problem lies in omissions and omissions from time to time.
I was entrusted with the order to find out the detailed affairs, and searched old news and leftovers in the Zhou Dynasty. Although the Three Kingdoms were not far away in history, they were related to the comings and goings of the Han and Jin Dynasties for hundreds of years. There were many mistakes in the notes. If the longevity is not recorded and the matters are recorded, then nothing can be done to make up for the gaps.
Some may say the same thing but the words are confusing, or the origin of the incident is different and cannot be judged, so all of them are copied to prepare for any rumors. If it is obvious that something is wrong and the statement does not make sense, then the violation will be corrected to punish the error.
Whether the current affairs should be considered as a small loss of life, it is quite foolish to argue. I have been writing this collection since then, and it has been expired for several months.
This is the end of writing and proofreading, and I would like to seal it and submit it.
(Excerpt from Pei Songzhi's "Notes on the Three Kingdoms", "Three Kingdoms", Simplified Chinese Edition by Zhonghua Book Company) 5. Regarding the explanation of the highlighted words in the following sentences, the incorrect one is A A. Liangzhi Jingzhou should be attacked by the enemy. : garrison B. Nai throws the question and answers: Throw it away C. How can the general decide what to do: estimate D. Zefei Liang first prepares for the achievement: Visit 6. In the following sets of sentences, the meanings and usages of the highlighted words The same group is A A. But Liu Biao is slow-tempered, doesn't know the military, is hungry and doesn't know how to die B. I talk to forget my worries and listen to my ears like words of kindness to let Shanyu C. Even with the above guest courtesy, his wisdom is beyond his reach D . "Jiuzhou Chunqiu" said that if you call me in, I will be a brother. 7. According to the "Table of Notes on the Three Kingdoms", there are four situations in Pei Song's annotation of "Three Kingdoms". This note quotes "Three Kingdoms". Which of the following does "Wei Lue" mainly belong to? B A. If the events are not recorded in Shou, they will not be taken to make up for the gaps.
B. It is complicated to say the same thing but say nothing, or the origin of the matter is different, and the doubts cannot be judged, so copy them all to prepare for any rumors. C. The mistakes are obvious, and if the words are not reasonable, then the violations will be corrected to punish the mistakes.
D. Whether current affairs should be considered as a matter of life or not, it is quite foolish to argue. 8. The correct one of the following sentence fragments with "/" underlining the wavy lines in the text is C. The minister was ordered to search for details and searched for old news on Zhouxu. According to the Three Kingdoms, although they are not far apart in history, they are related to the beginning and end of the Han and Jin Dynasties. The notes on the comings and goings over the past hundred years have been mixed, and there have been many misfortunes with each other. I was ordered to find out the details/I have been doing it carefully/I have searched for old news on the Internet/I have left it aside/According to the Three Kingdoms/Although the years are not far away/It is related to the beginning and end of the Han and Jin Dynasties/It involves hundreds of comings and goings The records/notes are mixed/every time there are many misfortunes with each other B. I was ordered/to find out the details in detail/to search for old news/to follow the leftovers/according to the Three Kingdoms/over the years. 3. 2009 Hunan College Entrance Exam Chinese Paper Answers
2009 General College Entrance Examination Hunan Chinese Paper
1-5 CDBCA 6?8 BBD 9- 11 ACC
12. ① If a person does not experience hardships, his wisdom will not be clear.
②Now it is my wife and children who rely on me to support me, and I can’t do it even if I don’t want to be an official.
③The person who refuses a reward of a chariot or a horse is a person who is not afraid of walking.
13. Quote the stories of Chong Cui’s exile and Zixu’s escape to illustrate that encountering difficulties, sorrows and other changes can enable people to make up for their shortcomings, enhance their abilities, and learn richer things.
14. ① The rationale and interest of Qin’s poetry: The author explains that the change of seasons and changes in scenery are natural principles. He believes that spring is indeed beautiful, and the infatuated children who “stay in spring” need not regret the passing of spring. Summer is deep and quiet. The shade of the trees is pleasant enough.
The taste of Yuan Ci: The author deliberately creates the feeling of the passing of spring with words such as "the green window is still singing", "flowers falling", "orioles are speechless", "trees in the smoke", "twilight", "sparing rain" and "dream". Atmosphere, using "staying in spring", "asking for spring", "looking for spring", etc. to convey his melancholy about the passing of spring.
②The language is light and affectionate, indicating that the author cannot bear the passing of spring and is deliberately looking for traces of spring in his dreams. This shows that the passing of spring (in the real world) is irreversible. The beginning and end of the sentence highlight the implicit characteristics of this word.
15. ⑴ Although it is worthy of competing with the sun and the moon to promote this ambition
⑵ ① There is spring water in the south and north of the house, but there are flocks of gulls coming day by day, and there are no visitors sweeping the flower paths. The door is now open for you
②In my early years, I didn’t know that the world would be difficult. Looking north to the Central Plains, looking up to the mountains, building a boat, snowing at night, Guazhou, crossing the iron horse, and the autumn wind blowing away the pass
16. ("Many people "The solemn or solemn look after looking at "clouds" and realizing the responsibility for the country and nation and the value of life
17. Let the beautiful sight of clouds cultivate and transform us; make us accustomed to it Yu stared at the distant view, not daring to fall, unwilling to fall.
18. ① Connect "cloud" and "personnel" to pave the way for writing about the profound educational significance of clouds in Yunnan.
② Use artistic techniques such as counterexample, elaboration, comparison, and exaggeration.
19. Main features: simplicity, simplicity, symbolic meaning: always adhere to a solemn and great ideal, unify personal development with the same goal of national and national development, and the war of resistance will be won (fight to the end).
20. Appreciation Tips
(1) According to the meaning of the question, you must closely follow the word "see" and appreciate the fulfillment of the theme of the article. It requires complete meaning, smooth sentences and standardized writing, about 300 words.
(2) It can not only make a comprehensive and general appreciation, but also make a specific and in-depth appreciation of a certain aspect or feature.
The key points of appreciation are as follows:
①The theme of this article is to compare and describe the different results of people looking at clouds, hoping that people will gain from the meaning of "quietly watching the clouds in the sky" Education and inspiration, expressing the firm belief of "fighting to the end".
② Appreciation should be carried out closely based on the text, and the angles can be diverse.
For example:
A. Summary appreciation with a clear outline: The word "look" is the main thread of the whole text. Through looking at the clouds, looking at the people and affairs of the place, and looking at Mr. Lu's photography of clouds and objects, in Bi Xizhong "Think deeply" about the practical educational significance of the "cloud" between nature and art, and then "gazing into the distant future" and "believe that perseverance in the war of resistance will inevitably turn over", and gradually "see" the theme of the article, the scenery, things and things in the eyes and the thoughts in the heart. The concerns and desires blend into each other and become one.
B. A point-to-point comparative appreciation:
a. Seeing the practicality and self-interest of clouds from "many people" ("gaining a little knowledge of sunshine and rain" and "making a sore neck" "And "looking up to the results only increases many people's worries about the gain and loss of wealth") and the artist's interest and enthusiasm in looking at the clouds ("quietly watching the clouds in the sky" and "gazing at the distant view, not daring to fall, unwilling to fall") );
b. From seeing the beautiful scene of "clouds" and seeing the vulgarity of "personnel" ("It seems that you only encounter 'legal currency' everywhere" "Life is chaotic" Appreciate the expression of the theme through comparison.
C. Appreciate the expression of the theme from the contrast between "gazing toward the distant future" and "concentrating only on the difficulties ahead".
7. Writing (60 points) 21. Brief composition examples 4. 2011 Hunan College Entrance Examination Chinese Translation
The preface to the collected works of Yan Qi is attributed to Zhuang Han Wengong's writings, which started the decline of the Eight Dynasties , his poems are also strange and unique, and Mr. Kaoting is a bit sick of his customs, saying that this is the case in "The Prime Minister's Letter" and "Studying Poems from the South of the City". Isn't it because he is obsessed with seeking knowledge and progress, and is aiming for profit and wealth? Huh? Therefore, when it comes to the article, I must first get rid of the vulgarity before discussing anything else.
Today, there are many literati who live in the wilderness, but they know the name of a gentleman. They write an article in the morning and engrave it on Zi in the evening. Although the writing is good, it is vulgar. When I read Mr. Yan Ziqi's writing, I deeply sighed that it was pretentious and out of vulgarity. Wuxi's two gentlemen, Gu Duanwen and Gao Zhongxian, preached in Donglin, far away from Shao's unique learning, but it was not far away. Yan Zi was born in his hometown.
Pay attention to the festival of fame and fortune on weekdays, be careful when traveling and hide, and regard the fame, position, wealth and wealth in the world as if you are going to lose it. He was angry, depressed, and triggered things. Therefore, his writings and stated purpose are often laughed at by today's people.
Han Zi once said: "When people laugh, their hearts feel happy." The lady who laughed at Han Zi was laughed at by the common people because of his words, and he was a distinguished Confucian of the generation; The purpose is laughed at by the common people, and it is not treated as the same as the ancients! Although Han Zi was allowed to live in today's world, his purpose should be as roundabout as Yan Zi's. He would not have a book written by a prime minister or a poem written in the south of the city to ridicule a great scholar.
There are only dozens of Yan Zi's articles that I have seen. They discuss theoretical matters, are clear and sharp, and the pen can kill people if they are Confucian. Such is the craftsmanship of words! However, I think that today's literati are not exempt from the vulgarity in the work of words, and they may be able to do it; the reason why they are so pretentious and above the vulgarity is to establish the purpose of the words, which is what most people in the world laugh at as being roundabout. My wife laughs at it as being circumstantial, but I don’t think it is circumstantial. Instead, I appreciate it and marvel at it, so I am also very circumstantial! (Selected from "Guizhuang Collection", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1984 new edition) [Note] ①浼(méi): defile.
Reference translation: Han Wengong's articles revived the decline (writing style) of eight dynasties. His poems are also weird and unique, creating a new genre on his own. However, Zhu Xi (Mr. Kaoting) once criticized the vulgarity of his poems and believed that this was the case in his "Book of Prime Ministers" and "Poems of Fu Shushu Chengnan". Isn't (he) using this to eagerly seek official advancement and aim at financial gain and salary? So I once said that when it comes to writing articles, if nothing else, you must first get rid of the vulgarity.
Nowadays, there are many literati in the world. They live in remote countryside, but they (try to) notify their names to high-ranking officials and dignitaries. They write an article in the morning and have it printed in the evening. They often compile it into a huge volume and pay tribute. When dignitaries and dignitaries make friends with famous people, they use it as a gift for meeting. Like this, even if the article is good, it seems vulgar.
I read Mr. Yan Qixian’s article and deeply lamented that he is extraordinary and transcends ordinary people. Since Wuxi, two gentlemen, Gu Duanwen (Gu Xiancheng) and Gao Zhongxian (Gao Panlong) gave lectures in Donglin, they have inherited the unique teachings of ancient sages, and the customs handed down by the sages have never been far away. Mr. Yan was born in this place, recited poems and books, and suffered He is educated, believes in Confucianism, and is proficient in the study of Confucian classics.
Pay attention to honors and conduct (walk, do things; hide, retreat) cautiously. He looks at society's fame and wealth as if it is going to taint him.
He was filled with feelings and anger, and expressed emotion based on the situation. Therefore, most of the themes (thoughts) of his articles were ridiculed by the world as inappropriate. Han Yu once said: "Others make fun of me, but I regard it as a kind of joy in my heart."
People laughed at Han Yu just because his words (in the article) were ridiculed by the common people, but he was still an outstanding Confucian leader of the generation. ; If the main idea (idea) of the article is made fun of by popular culture, isn't it a step beyond the ancients (Han Yu and others)? Even so, if Han Yu were in today's world, the theme (idea) of his writing should be as out of date as Mr. Yan, and he would not have written poems such as "The Letter to the Prime Minister" and "Fu Shushu Chengnan Poetry" and be regarded as Famous Confucians are ridiculed by everyone.
I have seen only a few dozen of Mr. Yan's articles, which are theoretical and narrative, with clear and clear language and severe and sharp thoughts. A respectful and gentle scholar can kill people with his writing, which is evident from the exquisite and sharp words of his articles.
But I think that some of the literati in the world who are not exempt from vulgarity can also achieve this in terms of exquisite diction. The reason why Mr. Yan is outstanding and beyond the ordinary people lies in the purpose and argumentation of his articles. , was ridiculed by secular people as inappropriate. Everyone in the world laughs at him for being out of date, but I don’t think so. If I admire and sigh (for him), then I am extremely pedantic! Note: The Hunan classical Chinese reading test this time is based on the style of "preface", which is a classical Chinese prose, which is more difficult than a biography, but this is also the traditional style of Hunan volumes.
Unlike other provinces, Hunan has rarely examined biographical texts since the establishment of its own initiative, and has replaced them with critical articles and classical Chinese prose. Although "Preface to the Collected Works of Yan Qixian" only has more than 510 words, it is not easy to read because it is the preface to the collection of works and is highly argumentative, but fortunately the title is not difficult.
This is also one of the styles of classical Chinese writing in the Hunan volume. The articles usually given are difficult to understand, but the related topics are not difficult. The types of questions have changed from last year. The number of multiple-choice questions has been reduced from 4 to 3. The number of translation questions has remained unchanged at three. A short answer question has been added. The number of objective questions has decreased and the number of subjective questions has increased. It can be seen that Hunan has increased its emphasis on The difficulty of the classical Chinese examination.
The score also increased from 22 points to 23 points. Coupled with the later selected classical Chinese questions, it is obvious that the examination of ancient Chinese in the Hunan Volume has become more and more difficult, which is worth noting.
About the author Guizhuang, whose courtesy name is Xuan Gong, is from Kunshan, Jiangsu. He was a famous literati in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, and his great-grandfather was Gui Youguang, a famous essayist in the Ming Dynasty.
Guizhuang is as famous as Gu Yanwu, a fellow villager. When he was 17 years old, he participated in Fushe together with him and fought with him to fight against the Qing Dynasty. The two share the same goals and have a deep friendship. They are sometimes known as "returning to the strange and ignoring the strange".
Guizhuang's poems and essays are mainly about opposing the rule of the Qing Dynasty and being full of national integrity. His poems may be simple, clear, and express one's heart, such as "Twelve Ancient Poems", "Fourteen Poems of Bu Ju", etc.; or they may be neat and elegant, such as "Twelve Chapters of Falling Flower Poems", etc., which were rated by Wu Weiye as "fluent, beautiful and profound". Elegant, the purpose is to be placed, and the body is prepared."
Song Wan commented on Guizhuang: "With Lei Luo Qiyi's graceful words, he still has the character of a hero when he comes to the meeting." The prose is also lively and vigorous, with strong emotions, and is well received. 5. 2011 College Entrance Examination New Curriculum Standard Papers, Liaoning Paper, Beijing Paper, Hunan Paper, Zhejiang Paper Chinese Classical Chinese Translation
I hope it will be helpful to you.
(National New Curriculum Standard Paper)
Reference translation: He Guan, courtesy name Zhongyuan, was born in Xiangfu, Kaifeng. He Guan was promoted to the rank of military officer and worked on Hedong Road. Han Zhen, the Hedong economic envoy, said to him: "You are a genius, and one day you will sit where I am today." Later, He Guan served as a military inspector for Fuzhou and the Volcano Army. People from the Liao State often crossed the border to collect water. He Guan personally demarcated the border and did not allow them to cross the border to collect water. The Liao people angrily led their troops to invade the border. He Guan shot arrows upwards towards the cliff. Every shot was sure to hit, and some of the arrows hit the rocks. The Liao army was surprised and regarded him as a god and quietly retreated. About thirty years later, Grand Master Xiao of the Khitan met He Guan. They talked about the past and how He Guan inspected his archery skills. He Guan said, "That's me." Master Xiao quickly saluted He Guan in awe. He Guan then became the general of Hedong and met the Xixia army. The enemy's cavalry chased him. The arrows fired by He Guan could penetrate the enemy's armor, penetrate through the chest, pierce through the back, and then hit the enemy behind. Xixia The people retreated in great fear. Zhang Kangguo recommended He Guan to Huizong. Huizong summoned him to give a reply and asked about the situation between us and the enemy on the northwest border. He Guan used a wat board to draw pictures on the imperial couch and pointed to the patterns on his clothes as the situation between us and the enemy (explained to the emperor). The emperor said: "The enemies are all in my eyes." Later, He Guan was promoted to the prison in Hedong, moved to the west to become the envoy of the pavilion, led the governor of Weizhou, and knew Cangzhou. Because of his meritorious service in managing the city, he was transferred to the post of introduction envoy. At that time, the emperor ordered to transport 300,000 shi of grain to the three prefectures. He Guan said: "The river is too shallow to travel by water. If it is transported by land, it will take 8,000 horse-drawn carriages, which is too much work. At this time, the wheat along the border is ripe. You can use the cost of transporting grain and grass to buy wheat locally at a higher price." Go up and the court agreed. Not long after, He Guan was appointed to know Minzhou (Xihe Road), and he diverted water from the Miao River to irrigate thousands of hectares of remote fields. The people in the Hehuang area called it Guangli Canal. Later, he was transferred to Hezhou, and soon returned to Minzhou, where he was given the post of "promoting the archers of Xihe Lanhuang". He Guan suggested to the court: "If the canals are repaired first to divert water so that the cultivated land will not be damaged by drought, then the people will be willing to participate in the recruitment, and the required number of archers will be recruited." The court followed He Guan's suggestion. . In less than half a year, the quality of arable land was improved by 26,000 hectares, and 7,400 young archers were recruited. It was the most successful among the northwest groups at that time. Once, He Guan accompanied the Liao envoy to shoot arrows in Yujin Garden. One shot hit the target, but the next shot missed. The guest said: "Is the Taiwei incapable?" He Guan replied: "No, I'm just giving you up out of courtesy." He arranged his bow and arrow and hit the bull's-eye again. The people watching admired him, and the emperor personally rewarded him with wine. Then he was promoted to Yuhou, the guard and infantry commander. The Jin soldiers went south, and the imperial court asked all the forbidden soldiers to come out of the capital and hand them over to Liang Fangping to guard Liyang.
On the second day of the first lunar month of the first year of Jingkang, the Jin soldiers were stationed in Huazhou. Liang Fangping fled south, and He Guan was defeated by Wangfeng. No one on the south bank of the Yellow River could resist the enemy, so Jinshi directly attacked the capital. He Guan arrived and asked for an audience, but the emperor refused and ordered him to guard the western corner. He Guan resisted with his back to the city. The general fought with the enemy for three days. He was wounded and died on the battlefield. He was sixty-two years old at the time.
(Liaoning volume)
Reference translation
Song Qingli was a native of Yongnian, Mingzhou. He passed the examination of Ming Dynasty Classics and was appointed Wei County Lieutenant. During the reign of Wu Zetian, the imperial censor Huan Yanfan was ordered to go to Hebei to cut off the Juyong, Yueling, and Wuhui roads. In order to guard against Turks, he specially summoned Song Qingli to plan this matter. Song Qingli always had plans and strategies, and Huan Yanfan respected him very much. Soon he moved to Dali to assess affairs and served as the Lingnan envoy. At that time, the leaders of Ya, Zhen and other five states were plundering each other one after another, and the remote areas were uneasy. The previous envoys were afraid of the heat and suffocation there, and no one ever reached them. Song Qingli went there in person, asked about the customs, and explained the principles of disaster and blessing. From then on, the people there lived in peace, and he removed the 5,000 soldiers who were guarding it. During the Kaiyuan period, he served as the field envoy of the Hebei branch. At the beginning, the Yingzhou Governor's Office was set up in Liucheng to control Xi and Khitan. During the reign of Wu Zetian, the governor Zhao Wenhui mismanaged the city. Xi and the Khitans rebelled and captured the city. After that, it was moved to Yuyang City, two hundred miles east of Youzhou. In the fifth year of Kaiyuan, Xi and the Khitan allied themselves with each other. Xuanzong planned to restore the Yingzhou administrative office in the old city. Song Jing, the servant, insisted on arguing that it was not possible. Only Song Qingli made a favorable statement. So he issued an edict and appointed Song Qingli and others to act as envoys, and then built Yingzhou City in Liucheng and dispatched labor for thirty days to complete. Soon he was appointed Song Qingli's censor Zhongcheng, and also the governor of the school inspection camp. More than 80 farms were opened, and Hu people who were merchants were recruited and shops were built for them. In a few years, Yingzhou's granary was full and the residents gradually became rich. Song Qingli was upright and strict in his administration, and he was diligent in making judgments and lawsuits. Wherever he worked, the people and officials did not dare to offend. But he liked to build projects and made many changes. People who discussed the matter ridiculed him for being impractical. He died in the seventh year of Kaiyuan and was given posthumously as Minister of the Ministry of Industry. Taichang's Twelve Stars commented: "Song Qingli was too tough and easily frustrated. He was too strict with others and was useless. An accident occurred in the Northeast and tens of thousands were lost. According to the posthumous law, he liked to be tricky and self-righteous. It's called 'Zhuan', please give me the posthumous title of 'Zhuan'." Zhang Jiuling, a member of the Ministry of Rites, argued: "Song Qingli was a loyal man and a hard-working minister of the country. Once he came to the border, he stayed at home for thirty years. I am willing to travel back and forth; farming is hard work, but it can also enrich the army. I am dedicated to doing humiliating things, abide by the rules of perseverance and do my best, even if it is one of the things that is difficult for others to do. The discussion was sent to Taichang Temple, hoping to reflect his daily deeds so that the posthumous ceremony would not be lost." So it was decided that the posthumous title should be "Jing".