Zheng Xie, a poet, has done many good deeds for the people and won their love. However, when he asked for relief in the famine year, he offended the magistrate and the local gentleman. He is upright and upright, he cares about the people, and his noble character of "getting rid of mud and not getting stained". He was ashamed to bow his head, so he despised the powerful, untied the seal, resolutely resigned and returned to Yangzhou to sell paintings for a living.
original work
Bamboo is not relaxed at all, its roots are firmly embedded in the cracks in the rocks.
After thousands of tortures and blows, it is still strong, whether it is the southeast wind or the northwest wind in winter, it can bear it and will still be tough and straight.
Firmly adhere to the castle peak and not relax, originally deeply rooted in the crevices.
After many trials and tribulations, the bones are still strong and can blow the east and west and the north and south winds.