How to understand the implied attribute of literature

The implied attribute of literature means that literature has the characteristic of expressing profound meaning by using artistic language symbols.

The aesthetic ideology of literature exists in the implication of its discourse system, without which it cannot exist independently. Discourse implication is a generalization of the special context of literary activities, which refers to the rich possibility of meaning generation contained in literature as a social discourse activity.

There are two meanings here: first, the whole literary activity has the nature of discourse implication; Secondly, on a more specific level, the specific language text created for reading has the nature of implicit discourse. The discourse implication of this paper is often manifested in two aspects: implication and ambiguity. Implication means to imply or imply infinite meaning in limited words, so that readers can appreciate infinity from limited words.

Ambiguity (also known as ambiguity, polysemy or polysemy) refers to a discourse that seems to have a single meaning, but contains multiple uncertain meanings, which makes readers remember deeply. Implicitly speaking, what stands out is the small amount of expression, while ambiguity focuses on interpretation, but they are essentially the same: * * reveals the rich possibilities of meaning generation in literary texts, that is, the characteristics of discourse implication.

Literary nature:

Literariness is based on the literariness of literary works, which is the basic and ontological condition of literary classics, such as romanticism, symbolism or poeticization, which is the most common feature of literariness of literary works.