Introducing Indian religious festivals that attract many domestic and foreign tourists, including Diwali and Parade (a massive procession on the seafront). The most worth seeing in the Temple of Understanding in Chatsworth is the spectacular Krishna Temple. Plus there are delicious dishes from its surrounding community restaurants. The spectacular rickshaws and ornate arts and crafts along the Golden Mile showcase Durban’s Zulu flair and culture. These beautiful and spectacular scenes are unobstructed from Phezulu Peak on Botha’s Hill, overlooking the spectacular valleys formed by numerous mountains. Other Diwali festivals and large-scale cultural and entertainment events include Ward Ken Durban July Obstacle Race, NBS Theatre, Garden Show, African Music Festival, Writers' Age, African Poetry and the Durban International Film Festival. Durban also has many beach festivals, yacht races and other sea sports. The world's longest surf competition is held every year on Durban's North Beach, attracting many top competitors from around the world.