1 Timothy, chapter 5, Bible study.

1 section 1-9 in chapter 3 of 2 Timothy refers to the last days, and it is also a description of human nature in the last days. Indeed, such people often encounter in their lives, "You should avoid such people". These people are confused or controlled by evil spirits. What if you can't hide from these people? The Bible tells us that you should rely on the Lord and his strength to become strong. If you put on all the military uniforms given by God, you can resist the devil's tricks (Ephesians 6:10-1).

Yes, signs of the end have appeared. When you see all these things, you should know that the Son of Man is near at the door (Matthew. 24:33), and the end of all things is near, so you should be careful and self-controlled and watch and pray (Peter 1. 4:7). But no one knows that day and hour, not even the angels in the sky, not even the son, only the father knows (Matthew. 24:36) Christians "look forward to that day."

May the word of God spread in your heart like showers and spring rains!