About the Complete Collection of English Poetry Recitation?

Poetry is a treasure of human language, which can improve people's spiritual cultivation, artistic cultivation and language cultivation. I have carefully collected English poems for everyone to enjoy and learn!

About English Poems 1

the embankment


by thomas ernest hulme

wang daoyu translation

***the fantasia of a fallen gentleman on a cold, bitter night.***

***a A down-and-out gentleman's fantasy on a bitterly cold night***

Once, in finesse of fiddles found i ecstasy,

Once, in the exquisiteness of the violin, I found ecstasy,


in the flash of gold heels on the hard pavement.

With the flash of gold heels on the hard floor.

now see i

Now I find

that warmth's the very stuff of poetry.

Warmth is the essence of poetry.

oh, god, make *** all

Oh, god, make it smaller,

the old star-eaten blanket of the sky,

The sky is a giant blanket that swallows stars,

that i may fold it round me and in fort lie.

Let me wrap it around myself and stay warm Sleep peacefully.

About English Poetry 2

Autumn autumn

by thomas ernest hulme

a touch of cold in the autumn night -


The autumn night feels cool.

i walked abroad,

in the courtyard,

and saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge

but saw the dizzy moon tilting Leaning on the fence,

like a red-faced farmer.

What like a red-faced farmer!

i did not stop to speak, but nodded;

While still talking, nodding,

and round about were the wistful stars

All the stars in the sky were deep in thought,

with white faces like town children .

Just like the white-faced children in the city.

About English Poetry 3

the snow man

"The Man in the Snow"

Original work: Wallace Smith Vince

by wallace stevens

Translation: Jie Mo Huahua

one must have a mind of winter

to regard the frost and the boughs

of the pine-trees crusted with snow;

There must be an ice core to detect the frost.

The pine branches bear snow, and they are bloated.

and have been cold a long time

to behold the junipers shagged with ice,

the spruces rough in the distant glitter

It must go through nine cold days to see the ice cypress.

The distant fir trees reflect the sun, shimmering with cold light.

of the january sun; and not to think

of any misery in the sound of the wind,

in the sound of a few leaves,


In the first month of this year, all the remaining sorrows were lost.

The wind blows and the cold leaves flutter.

which is the sound of the land

full of the same wind

that is blowing in the same bare place

Siwei The sounds of nature and the wind are full of emotions.

A large piece of Qi, acupoints and singing.

for the listener, who listens in the snow,

and, nothing himself, beholds

nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.


This is the sound of nature, filled with the wind.

A large piece of Qi, acupoints and singing.