Introduction to Dongfu
In Zuo Zhuan of Dongfu, Jin Taishi Cai Mo said: In the past, Uncle An had a descendant named Dongfu, who was very good at dragons. He can ask him to be addicted to food and drink. Is to frighten the dragon to serve the emperor Shun. The emperor gave the surname Dongshi, making it a dragon and named it Chuanliu. Chuanjiang River is located in wenxi county, winding for forty miles, forming a natural lake between Fenghuang Wall and Emei. This is a misty water area and an ideal place for dragons. We know that "the dragon is a sacred thing. It doesn't drink unless it is spring water, and it doesn't rest unless it is spiritual water. " Therefore, Dongfu lives in Lingshui. From then on, Li Chuan was renamed Dong. It is said in ancient books that Shun gave Dong Fu the surname of Red Dragon, and later Liu Lei learned to raise dragons from the Red Dragon family in the Xia Dynasty.