Ask the Korean version of Putin's poem if life deceives you.

original work

Если жизнь тебя обманет,

Не печалься, не сердись!

В день уныния смирись:

День веселья, верь, настанет.

Сердце в будущем живет;

Настоящее уныло:

Все мгновенно, все пройдет;

Что пройдет, то будет мило.


If life deceives you,

Don't be blue, don't be wild!

Be gentle on sad days.

I believe that happy days will come.

The heart is living in tomorrow;

Now I feel dejected here;

In an instant, convey sadness;

What is gone will be precious.


If life deceives you,

Don't be sad, don't be impatient!

You need to keep calm in blue days;

Believe it, happy days will come.

My heart always yearns for the future,

I am often depressed now.

Everything is instantaneous,

Everything will pass,

A thing of the past,

Will become a kind of nostalgia.


