There are dead birds in the wild, and white grass covers them. A woman fell in love with spring, and Ji seduced her. There is a park in the forest and a dead deer in the wild. White grass is pure, and there are women like jade. Comfortable and detached! I feel sorry for myself! Call without a messenger!
A dead roe deer is in the wilderness, and imperata is constantly entangled. There is a girl in love, and boys chase her to tease her. There are small trees in the forest and a dead deer in the wilderness. Who is the white grass tied for? There is a girl named Yan Ruyu. Take your time. Don’t panic! Don't touch my apron! Don't let the dog bark!
Appreciation of The Dead in the Wilderness:
Judging from the content of the poem, the poet brought the reader into the ancient hunting world with simple language and vivid description. The deer in the poem symbolizes the beauty and mystery in nature, while the hunter represents human exploration and conquest of nature. Poetry shows the life style, values and world outlook of the ancients through the detailed description of hunting scenes.
The rhythm and rhythm of poetry are also its charm. The poet used the rhythm and rhetoric of ancient Chinese to make this poem have a unique sense of music and picture. When reading poetry, readers can feel a strong sense of rhythm and rhythm, as if they were personally involved in hunting activities.
Poetry also expresses reverence for nature. In hunting activities, hunters are not only catching prey, but also communicating with nature. By depicting and praising nature, the poet expressed the ancient people's awe and gratitude for nature.
This emotion is still of great significance in modern society, reminding us to be modest, respectful and grateful in the process of exploring nature. From the cultural point of view, wild death is also a part of China ancient culture. The hunting scenes, values and world outlook depicted in the poems all reflect the cultural characteristics and social features of ancient China. By appreciating this poem, readers can better understand and know the essence and characteristics of China ancient culture.