As for parting, it can be said that the mountains are high and the waters are long, the horizon is not far, and the rivers and lakes will see you again. , or "the so-called high mountains and high waters cannot be crossed; I realized this and regretted it. The ideal friendship is when everyone is drunk in the present, regardless of the source or place, cooking wine and drinking, putting on a cloak and diving into the rain. "
The mountain is high and the water is long, which is an idiom in China. Pinyin is sh ā ng ā oshu ǐ Chuang, towering like a mountain and flowing like water. The original metaphor is that a person's demeanor or reputation exists forever like a mountain. The latter metaphor is very profound. From Wang Fu. From Wang Fu, Yuxi, Liu Tang: Longmen disappears, clouds are gray, trees are absent, and mountains are high. Combined type; As predicate and object; With praise.