God will never abandon the church because the church is the body of Christ; Christ is immortal, and his body will be preserved until the second coming of the Lord!
The whole revelation is a letter to seven churches in Asia. In every church, a group of people are honored and promised heavenly rewards. There is no doubt that this blessing is for the "winner". These seven churches represent the Christian churches from the Apostolic Age to the end of the world.
The greatest feature of the rescued described in Revelation is obedience: "This is the patience of saints. They keep the commandments of God and the truth of Jesus. " (Rev. 14: 12) "The dragon was angry with the woman and went to fight with her other children. They kept God's commandments and testified for Jesus." (Rev. 12: 17) "Blessed are those who wash their clothes, because they can get the authority to go to the tree of life or enter the city through the door." (22nd Edition: 14)
Therefore, true Christians, the children of God, can rest assured that God will never abandon us or leave us, and he will hold us in his arms (the church) until the end of the world!