20200526(2 12) self-reference rule

Laozi said: "People should be everywhere, the land should follow the sky, the sky should follow the Tao, and the Tao is natural."

God said, "I am who I am."

The ontological world is both a creator and a creator, and it also creates everything.

Buddhism pays attention to the causal cycle. Every fruit has a cause, and every cause. The first reason that goes back to the most primitive must be its own reason. The first reason is both a result and a cause. Causality is the only reason, and it is an absolute self-reference. In class, the professor used the self-reference center rule of our genes to illustrate this point. All our animals, plants or creatures have genes, all creatures are creatures, and all creatures must have a certain life span, so all creatures need genes to keep the existence of race, and genes themselves are creatures, and genes also need to thrive, but at the biological level, genes are the lowest existence, so they can only rely on themselves to copy, reproduce and survive.

As we have analyzed before, the world is emerging layer by layer, from the bottom atom, quantum and string to the molecular level, from the molecular level to the organic level, from the organic level to the individual level, from the individual to the group, to the organization, to the society and so on. Since all life has genes, and genes are self-referring, as a higher level, the founder of an enterprise is the first cause of this enterprise. When the enterprise starts, the founder has to do almost everything himself. The cognition of the founder is the gene of the enterprise. The founder does things by his own cognition, and his cognition will extend with the expansion of the enterprise and continue to affect the whole enterprise. Therefore, we often say that the cognitive boundary of a founder is the boundary of an enterprise. This is also the central principle of self-reference.