Put the lamp in the stone, let them see the posture of the sea, let them see the ancient fish, let them see the light. We should also put a lamp high above the river so that they can see the living fish, the silent sea and the sunset. A firebird rose from the Woods and lit a lamp. When I block the north wind with my hand, when I stand between canyons, I think they will gather around me and see my lamp-like language.
Finally, the poet expressed "light" and his identity with "my light language". In the previous few sections, the poet took care of "sea", "stone" and "sun" with lighting, which showed that he could observe such things. Finally, the group said, "I'm standing in the middle of the canyon" and "Look at my lighting language". The canyon means arrogance, and "look at me" means that I attract others.
About the author:
Chen Dongdong (196 1-) was born and has lived in Shanghai for a long time. In the early 1980s, I started writing when I was in college. He has published the collection of poems Tendency (1988- 199 1) and Records of Southern Poems and Talks (1992 1993). Published poetry anthology Xia Shu, Ban Ban Shu, Guide Map, Night of Poseidon, Poetry, Running Water, Prose Collection, Black Mirror, Words, etc.
Chen Dongdong, winner of 17 Chinese Literature and Media Award (20 19), is the most outstanding representative of contemporary poets in China since 1980s, and his writing has been getting better and better in recent years. His space poems (20 15) and his travels to the south (20 16).