In which province is Kumkule village located?

Kumkule Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Awati Town, shache county, Kashgar, Xinjiang, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 653 125104212, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 653125. Postal code 844000, long-distance telephone area code 0998, license plate number new Q. Kumkule Village and Tietelkule Village, Awati Bazaar Village, Kaletawusitang Village, Jiangjiale Airike Village, Tigan Kumu Village, Ying 'ari West Village, Arixi Village, Nuodai Village, tasker Ma Village, Kuanari West Village, Sheng Xing Village, Xie Haier Bage Village and Sadak Village.

There are shache Wetland Park on the Silk Road, Muqam Folk Holiday Village, Yeerqiang Mausoleum, Karsutak Lamagan Desert, Kharja Fort in Jacques Arik Township, shache and other tourist attractions. There are also shache melons, shache Badam, roasted squab, Xinjiang tapestry, sand car Muhammad folding knife and other specialties.