You come from the snow-capped mountains, and the spring tide is your style; You run to the East China Sea, and the stormy waves are your spirit. You feed children of all ethnic groups with sweet milk; You roll up mountains and seas with strong arms. We praise the Yangtze River, you are an endless source; We are connected with the Yangtze River, and you have the feelings of a mother. You came from ancient times, and the waves washed away the dust; You run to the future, and the sound of the waves echoes in the sky. You irrigate the flowery land with pure and clean water; You have promoted the arrival of a new era with great power. We praise the Yangtze River, you are an endless source; We are connected with the Yangtze River, and you have the feelings of a mother.
Or the following song is not bad.
Always raging fiercely.
Heaven and earth rise and fall in your chest.
Forever magnificent.
Roaring endlessly like a dragon.
Always full of passion
Who can guess your mind?
Always silent
Scroll forever.
Pulling the great wheel of history
Pulling the eternity of time
Forever, ever, ever.
In the vast universe
In the hearts of millions of children