No amount of splendor today can compare with a flower. If you get it, who can have it? What song is it from?

This life is in Hua Rong.

_ Wo Temple?

2. Lyrics: No matter how brilliant this life is, it is better than a flower.

_ May I help you?

_ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ?

_ The bed has a happy back curtain, so it doesn't move?

_ loose?

_ 隳隳隳隳?

_ What is the purpose of the wilderness?

_ What is the purpose?

_ 阋ㄒパ鑻??

_ What's the point? What's the point?

_ 畎阄け?

_ 杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶.

_ 阋ㄒパ??

_ What's the point? What's the point?

_ 畎阄け?

_ 杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶杶.