There are many works praising the wind in ancient poetry, and Wang Bo's Ode to the Wind is unique, praising the image of a "wind" with equality, universal virtue and tireless spirit. In late summer and early autumn, a cool breeze blew, and the ravines in the mountains suddenly looked refreshing and pleasant. The wind dispersed the smoke and clouds, so that we could clearly see the houses by the ravine and the people on the mountain. It seems to come and go without a trace, but it seems to be full of emotion when it stops. If you don't believe me, when people are tired after a busy day at sunset and the mountains and rivers are quiet, it will play the magnificent music of pines and nature for you. Isn't this "wind" like a virtuous and considerate elf?
To analyze the image of "Feng", we should not only grasp the word "sentient beings" to express its meaning directly, but also be good at understanding and summarizing it from the poet's description, and neither of them can be neglected. The test questions require specific explanations, and the answers should be combined with poetic words, not just abstract concepts.