1, c major triad 135 major triad+minor triad.
2. Chords in Cm minor 1b35 minor+major.
3.C-5 major three minus five chords 13b5 major three plus two degrees.
4.C+5, C+, pale chord 13 # 5 major third degree+major third degree.
5.Cdim, C-, c minus chord 1b3b56 minor+minor+minor.
6, Csus4, Csus hanging four chords 145 pure four+sophomore.
7. C6 major sixth chord 1356 major triad+sophomore.
8.Cm6 minor sixth chord 1b356 minor chord+sophomore.
Triads in major and minor
On all levels of natural major and harmonic minor, the natural triad of its mode can be formed.
I, IV and V in natural major are major triad, II, III and VI are minor chords, and VII is minus triad.
In harmony minor, I and IV are minor chords, III is an increase triad, V and VI are major triad, and VII and II are a decrease triad.
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