How powerful is the Lord

Say yes, and life will stand.

I'll read you the Bible poem 148, which is full of praise to God-

Psalm 148: 1 praise the Lord, praise the Lord from heaven, praise him on high.

Psalm 148:2 All his angels will praise him. All his troops will praise him.

Hymn 148:3 sun and moon, praise him. All shining stars, praise him.

Psalm 148:4 praise him, heaven in heaven and water in heaven.

Psalm 148:5 May all these praise the name of the Lord. Because it happened on his orders.

Hymns. He established them for ever and ever. He is doomed and cannot be abolished.

Psalm 148:7 all that is on the earth, all the big fish and all the deep sea,

Psalm 148:8 fire and hail, snow and fog, the gale that made his life,

Hymn 148:9 mountains and hills, fruitful trees, and all cedars,

Psalm 148: 10 wild animals and all livestock, insects and birds,

Hymn 148: 1 1 Kings and people of the world, princes and all judges,

Psalm 148: 12 Praise the Lord, young people and virgins, old people and children.

Ps 148: 13 May all this praise the name of the Lord. Because only his name is respected. His glory is higher than heaven and earth.

Psalm 148: 14 He held high the horn of his people, so all his saints Israel praised him. Praise god.