(A) inversion of the main sentence
1. Not only … but … when connecting two peer components.
Not only was he deprived of everything, but also his German citizenship.
Not only should we not be afraid of difficulties, but we should overcome them.
2. In the so … that … structure, when the word modified by so is stressed, the sentence is inverted.
He speaks so loudly that everyone in the class can hear him.
The lake is so shallow that no fish can live in it.
3.Hardly (hardly) … when …, only…than…structure, a word that emphasizes negative meaning.
Hardly had I arrived at the station when the bus started.
Hardly had he got home when he was asked to start another trip.
When not until is at the beginning of the sentence.
It was not until all the fish in the river died that the villagers realized how serious the problem was.
5. Sometimes in order to balance sentences.
The days when we used foreign oil are gone forever.
The day when he was put in prison finally came.
(B) inversion in clauses
1 led adverbial clause inversion. be like
Child as he is, he knows a lot.
Despite his disability, Paul continued to serve the people.
2. In the subjunctive mood, if the clause predicate contains were, had should, then if is omitted and inverted.
If I don't work, I will be happy to do what you ask me to do.
If I knew, I might discuss it with you.
3. In the attributive clause guided by preposition+relative pronoun
They came to a farmhouse, in front of which sat a little boy.