The ancients said, "The low-lying people are the sea, and the low-lying people are the kings." Only when the land is not afraid of humbleness can it gather water into a deep pool; People are not afraid of inferiority, so they can be king. Being born, striving for high with low, and striving for straightness with flexion are the character of being a man.
The mountain does not explain its height and does not affect its soaring; The sea does not explain its depth and does not affect its accommodation of rivers; The earth does not explain its thickness, but no one can replace it as the mother of all things. The so-called low-key, I think it is a demeanor, a gesture, a cultivation, a careless mind, an open-minded attitude.
Extended data:
Enlightenment to us
Low-key people, who don't make public or show off, always accumulate thick hair in a seemingly inconspicuous and unremarkable way; Low-key people can persist in calm interests in the turmoil of the world and face the unpredictable life with a peaceful mind; Low-key people know how to blend in with the crowd and live in harmony with others. They are modest gentlemen in the crowd.
Low-key people have a kind of elegant demeanor and win more applause for themselves with personality charm; Low-key people can't beat them in prosperity and adversity. Their usual attitude towards life determines that they can advance or retreat.
From one point of view, being low-key is a sign of maturity, and people who have read all the vicissitudes of life are increasingly aware of the importance of being low-key; On the other hand, keeping a low profile is great wisdom for survival and a tough skill. "Good people hide their talents in Xu Ruo, gentlemen are virtuous, and villains are foolish." Being low-key is a kind of wisdom and strategy.