As an old saying goes, "It is better to eat without meat than to live without bamboo." For me. It has various forms, but it does not lack the same effect; When you are happy, you can sing "Cooking cattle and slaughtering sheep is fun, and make me, of three hundred bowls, one long drink!;" When you are sad, you can whisper: "Worry comes from it and cannot be cut off;" When you are proud, you can sing: "I am the madman of the Chu country, who sang a mad song disputing Confucius;" When sighing, you can recite: "Jiangdong children are talented and talented, and it is unknown that they will make a comeback." When you are frustrated, read "I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea;" When you are sighing that you are getting old, you can taste one product: "An old horse is crouching, aiming at a thousand miles; The martyrs are full of courage in their twilight years; " When you can't help but be angry, think about it: "You have to bear it, and you are half stupid and half deaf." It can be seen that poetry can make people's hearts sing, and poetry can make people's hearts on the right path.
people can enjoy poetry by themselves. Or taste "hold your hand, grow old with your son", or read "How to solve your worries, only Du Kang", which is poetic and picturesque, will make people intoxicated. The magnificence of "Don't you see how the Yellow River's waters move out of heaven, entering the ocean, never to return", the magnificence of "sunset and solitary heron Qi Fei, the sky is the same with autumn water", the soul-stirring of "the sound of the iron drums in the city is still shaking, and the blood of the golden knife in the box is still wet", "the trip to the sun and the moon, if it comes out of it; The strange imagination of "the star and the Han are brilliant, if out of it" makes me appreciate the strange charm and exuberant life of poetry.
In reciting poems, I gradually learned a lot, which brought me great wealth. When reading and reciting poems, I always feel that my soul is communicating with great people, forgetting a lot of trivial matters and troubles, and my mood is much calmer. There is gain after understanding, and it will be a kind of detachment after understanding. The role of poetry is incalculable. Poetry can calm people's hearts. Calm is round, round, and everything will be fine. Poetry makes life colorful and literature interesting … It is because of poetry that my mind will be calm and then I will reap the vastness of life.
Poetry not only touched my heart, but also washed my soul.